10 Fun Facts about Yours Truly

When I started following several blogs years ago, I always loved finding posts that helped me learn a little more about the people I was following. Some people don’t really understand the whole blogging thing. Looking into the lives of complete strangers. But I think its so much fun, to get to know people all around the web.

People that are surprisingly a lot like myself.

Real people who live real lives and like to share about it as they go.

People who won’t judge you or criticize you, but help build you up.

People who have inspired me to do the same.

So here are some fun facts about myself. Some personal, some silly. Just a few things to help you all get to know me a little better. 

  1. I Grew up in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house with 4 siblings and my two parents. It was super tight.  We all bickered and fought like crazy. And although in the end, we are all taking completely different paths, and have very different personalities and interests, I believe being in that small space really kept us close.  We see each other often. Having a big family means lots of birthday parties! We have a least one birthday to celebrate for every month of the year minus October and December. We get together for all major holidays and for quite some time had Sunday night dinners together. Which I do hope to bring back soon. Because as loud and hectic as those dinners can sometimes get with our growing families…they are moments that we will never get back! And I truly believe that Family is EVERYTHING

2. I can “KIND OF” sing, but you will NEVER hear it. My kids are THE ONLY people I will ever truly open up my vocal chords for. My husband has never even heard me sing. Not like really sing anyway. The song will literally not come out of mouth. Its almost like my throat just closes up. Its crazy. My nerves just take over my body. Guess its a good sign that I still feel nervous around him. 

3. Sophmore year I went to cheerleading tryouts in support of my best friend and accidentally made the team. oops! I was a cheerleader back when I was in grade school , for our local children’s league. It was fun, but I never felt like I was great at it. So sophomore year when she asked me to just come with her because she didn’t want to do it herself, I was all for it. It would be fun to go with her and tryout.

Although I just knew I would never make a highschool varsity cheerleading squad.

So the morning they posted the list of who made it, I was shocked to see my name up there. I only ended up doing it for Sophmore and Junior year, but I had the time of my life. I made such great friends and built a confidence I never knew I could have. Although I never did master the shimmy.

4. My family and I speak a second language called “OP”. My mom always told me that her twin sisters invented this language, but I was very surprised to hear it on one of my shows I watched growing up.  

All you have to do is put the word OP before every vowel in a word. Lopike Thopis. “like this!” haha its always been our secret code talk around the little ones, but as they get a little older, they catch on! Guess its good though, the tradition will continue. 🙂

Thopanks Fopor Stopoping bopy! 😉 

5. In my 32 years on this earth I have NEVER been on a plane.


I started my family so young so I never traveled as a young adult. And as a child buying 7 plane tickets to go on a vacation was just out of the question for my parents. So we always stayed pretty local.

Mike and I had a very tight budget when we got married so we opted out of a honeymoon. And now, I guess I’m just waiting for the right time. I over think EVERYTHING. I’m terrified to hop on a plane and go somewhere without my children, though I know a little getaway would be good for the soul. Who knows when it will happen, but for now this girls feet are planted on the ground.

6. I suffer from telephobia which is a fear of speaking on the phone. Yes, its actually a thing. And although I can do it now when I absolutely NEED to, I HATE it. No idea why, or where it came from. But I literally lose my words, my heart races and I feel so extremely nervous. But only for the first few seconds of the call, once I make the call and start talking I’m fine. But the fear is real people, and I still can’t wrap my head around it. Give me call! 😉  

7. I’ve only cut the grass once in my entire life. My nickname growing up was princess.I’ll be the first to admit I was just one of those girls that didn’t like to get dirty. But as I grew up I realized that there really is a something to be said about a woman who can do it all! Dressing up with the best but getting down and dirty to get the job done! My excuse for the grass cutting now though…I just so happened to marry a landscaper, so cutting the grass has just never been needed on my end. 

8. When I was little I wanted to be a fashion designer. Probably from the time I was about 10 until early on in highschool.  Specifically a wedding dress designer. I used to draw wedding dresses ALL THE TIME! Its something, that I don’t think too much about anymore. But once these kids are grown, you just never know!

9. My Husband and I actually prayed and hoped that our third baby would be another girl! the thought of little boys TERRIFIED us, and I’m not even sure why. But the second the ultrasound tech told us it was a boy I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. One of those giant smiles that you aren’t even purposely meaning to have. Then I looked over to my husband who was white as a ghost and not smiling at all. haha Needless to say we have grown to absolutely Love and adore this little boy of ours! I couldn’t imagine life any other way! He has taught me a whole different kind of love and I cherish every single second with him.

Until its time to clean the bathrooms….

10. The very first time I saw my husband I told my mom I was going to marry him someday.

He was new to the neighborhood and sitting out with some of his buddies on the bed of his pickup truck. I remember it like it was yesterday. We turned the corner and there he was. “Oh my gosh mom…I am going to marry that man one day!” 

Before I even knew him.

7 years later, we were married. Crazy how fate works like that.

We went through hell and back before it actually happened, but it happened, and now we are happier then ever. Married for 10 years now with three amazing children. 🙂

Well there ya have it! Now you know just a little bit more about me! I’d love to learn a thing or two about all of you too!! Comment below with a fun fact to share! 
