
When we moved into our new neighborhood I noticed an older woman speed walking up the street near the shopping center by our house. Her entire body was shifted to one side and it looked like she ached with every step. But she was walking. And she was walking fast. She wasn’t going to let her lifes circumstances get in the way of taking care of her body and doing the things she wanted to do in life.

I was immediately inspired by this woman. Thinking “If she can do it why can’t I?”

As with many other inspirations to me though, I just let it dwindle out of my mind. I forgot how she made me feel driven and ready to conquer the world by the end of the day.

A few days later, I saw her again.

It turns out she lives right across the street from us. So not only was she hauling ass up the street, but she was hauling ass about a mile away from her home.

That was four months ago. I have since seen her take that mile plus long walk every single day since we’ve lived here.

She walked when it was 100 degrees outside during the dog days of August.

She walked when it was pouring down rain.

When the fall winds hit.

When the winter cold was unbearable.

And even the other day when it was snowing.

She was out walking.

Completely bent over to one side because of a major back injury.

With the biggest smile on her face.

She walks.

And she inspires me every time I see her, but probably doesn’t even know it.

I guess my point is that we are all capable of doing whatever we set our mind to. We’re all dealt good and bad cards throughout our lives and it is completely up to us to decide how to play those cards.

Do we sit and sulk because life isn’t going how we planned or do we pick up with our heads held high fighting our way out of the storm, no matter how big that storm may be?

Do we sit back and secretly despise our friends and family that we know are doing so much better in their lives then we think we are? Or can we be happy for them and inspired by the lives they live?

Its all up to us.

After talking with this neighbor a little more we also discovered that she lost her only son a few years back. She didn’t go into any details about his untimely death, but she spoke about it still. Because sometimes that’s all we can do.

This woman, who to me is still a stranger really, is the epitome of strength and perseverance. She is living out her life the best way she knows how and is never taking a single day for granted. Regardless of how cruel this world was to her at times.

I challenge you all today, instead of sitting around and thinking of all the things you wish you had.

More money.

A nicer car.

A man.

A woman.

A bigger house.

A better body.

Think about the things you DO have.

A roof over your head?

A car that gets your from A to B .

Self Respect?


A body that allows you to walk and function at all?

Take time to really think about that. Think about the things that you are so blessed with in your life that others are not. Think about the things that you ARE capable of that some people will never even have the luxury to experience.

Things that we sometimes take for granted.

Eye sight.


Legs that allow us to walk.

Life is over in the blink of an eye.

Don’t let it slip through your fingers without doing absolutely everything you can to make sure it was the best life that YOU could have possibly lived.

Just some things that have been on my mind lately.

I hope you all have a happy Tuesday!
