What’s Up Wednesday?!

Happy Hump Day!!

Are we really already half way through this week?!

And Hello tomorrow is the last day of January already! You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but time just flies by and it seriously has me baffled!

Today I’m linking up with the fabulous Shay and Sheaffer for their monthly What’s up Wednesday series!

If you blog head on over to their page to link up today!! Its so much fun sharing with all of you and I just love to see what everyone else is up to around the web!

So here goes!

  1. What we’re Eating!

If you follow my blog then you may have already seen my Meal Plan Monday posts. So you know that last week was all about the vegetables! Vegetarian EVERYTHING…except that I Forgot and made breakfast sausage a couple times.

But other then that all of our meals were vegetarian. I personally loved them all. The kids were champs and sat and ate all of the meals with us for the most part.

They did go for PB&J a couple of nights, but that’s ok. They were still very well fed. πŸ™‚

This salad was definitely a fan favorite! Sophia had one pretty much every night last week and over the weekend. Just Spring Mix, dried cranberries, walnuts, parm hard boiled egg, cheese and balsamic Vinaigrette. I usually throw on a red onion too, but we were out so I did without it and it was still soooo good! If you want to add a little extra protein just throw on some grilled chicken!

This was supposed to be Tortellini Soup but Walmart grocery was out of tortellini’s so they substituted with Ravioli. It was still just as delicious. I mean they are basically the same exact thing right?! To read more about my Walmart Grocery Experience click here. I’ll be updating soon since I’m basically a pick up Pro now! πŸ˜‰
You really can’t go wrong with homemade pizza! I added some chopped basil to one and we did one with olive oil and garlic instead of red sauce. Soo Soo good. We made three large pizzas and I think we had 3 pieces leftover. Not sure if I should be proud of that statement or ashamed, but either way they were gooooood! We also learned that you are supposed to let homemade pizza dough get to room temperature before rolling it out. We never knew that, and it is life saving, let me just tell you. Our pizza was 10X’s bigger then we were ever able to get it in the past!

2. What I’m reminiscing about…

I’ve been Reminicing like crazy about my sweet Sophia who is turning 12 tomorrow!!

Hi…Broken Record here but, TIME NEEDS TO SLOW DOWN!

I feel like I was just in the hospital delivery room yesterday laughing with all of the nurses. My girl was ready to come into this world whether the Doc was there or not! And she was born with the biggest smile on her face. Dark black hair and Ruby red lips. She was a beauty and still is. πŸ™‚

She seriously was just the sweetest little toddler.
Always smiling so big, even with her tiny little features.

So much style personality. I know this girl with do big things ones day <3


3. What I’m loving…

Guys, I’ve got to say, I’m loving this blog thing more and more every time I write. Sometimes I feel like I’m writing to just myself. And sometimes I think to myself “I’m totally ok with that” which I am. I started this blog to document my life a bit. I think it’ll be so cool to be able to look back years from now and see all of these posts.

All of these pictures.

But…I also started this blog to try to connect with others. And though the process is slow and steady. I can’t help but smile any time someone mentions that they’ve read this or comments on a post.

4. What we’ve been up to….

The school year is in FULL swing. My girls just finished MP2 and are already half way through their 6th and 8th grade school years.

And they are sooo busy…

We’ve got BPA, Student Council, NJHS, Yoga Club, Softball, book club, cooking club.

Its soo much, but I’m also so happy that my girls are able to be involved in so much!

But when we aren’t doing all of those things, we are just here at the house making memories and messes!

We also celebrated Sophia’s birthday with Family on Saturday night. She wanted to have a Just Dance Tournament, so that’s exactly what we did.

I got knocked out in the first round by my Father in Law! haha

I’m sure I’ll never hear the last of it from him. πŸ˜‰

This fun game is called Suspicion. I thought it would be similar to CLUE but its actually pretty different, and lots of fun!

Another cute game my Sophia received at her birthday party! One person is the judge and picks a card. They then read the card and tell everyone what to draw, this one was “Ice cream topped with a carrot, spinach and stinky socks” the judge then has to pick the picture he/she thinks is the best! Super silly and fun!
We last minute decided to try to recreate the “Just Dance 2019” cover as the backdrop for her party. Well when I saw We I really mean I…and I really really mean last minute. Like two days before. It was intense. So much work, we didn’t even get to finish it. But Sophia loved it and it was cute for pics! πŸ™‚

5. What I’m dreading…

This Polar Vortex.




Though I am super super thankful I am not living in the areas where it will be -60 degrees!

That is just BANANAS!

Definitely praying for those people to stay warm. And I’m so happy to hear that canceled mail service in those areas.

6. What I’m working on….

At the moment, due to our serious spending freeze I’m not physically working on munch of anything….

BUT…I have been working so hard on becoming more organized.

Just in general with Life and All the things.

Doctors appointments. Preschool Parties. After school activities. You name it.

Its so hard sometimes to juggle it all. But staying organized has helped so much!

I wrote a little big about my New Year GOALS here (on my last link up with Shay and Erika) and how I plan to stay focused in 2019.

LOVE my Fitbook and planner!!

7. What I’m excited about…..

Though I’m also super nervous about this, I’m very excited to find out about my daughter High School application at her 2 choice schools.

I know that no matter where she ends up she will do great things, but I’m super excited to see what the next 4 years are going to look like for her.

She amazes me a little more each day with her eagerness to learn and her desire to be the best at whatever it is she’s doing in life.

Love this girl. Still can’t believe we’re only 8 months away from highschool.

8.What I’m watching/reading…

I just started the second book of a 3 book series.

The first book “My Sisters Grave” had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. And I read it in under 24 hours.

This one “Her Final Breath” is taking me a little longer to get into.

I haven’t read enough yet to really give a good review, but I’m working on it. I reviewed “My Sisters Grave” and a few more of my January reads on my January Book Review.

9. What I’m listening to..

Ariana Grandes “7 Rings” has been on repeat guys.

Any Mike is beyond annoyed….haha

I just can’t get it out of my head, something so catchy about it. And I’m normally and avid Country Music girl!

10. What I’m wearing….

Considering that I’m still working on those 10+ Holiday pound I’ve got my leggings on repeat over here!

Sorry not sorry..

BUT I do feel like you can get so much more accomplished in life when you get up and get dressed! Make yourself feel good ladies and you are capable of anything!

11. What I’m doing this Weekend…

After being super busy every weekend for the last few months I am looking forward to doing almost absolutely NOTHING.

We’ll probably pull our some board games, but other then that this girl and her fam are laying low.

And watching the superbowl of course!

GO RAMS! (Anyone but the PATS!)

12. What I’m looking forward to next month….

After we get through Birthday numer 12 for my girl Soph, we get to celebrate little man turning 4!!

Excuse me why I go cry in the corner for a bit….

But I really am looking forward to planning his party. Keeping it low key, but I still love throwing a Birthday bash!

13. And What else is new here….

Not too much.

We are taking life one day and extra curricular activity at a time!

Living in every moment and enjoying the ride!

And Shays extra #14..What am I doing for V-Day…

My favorite way to spend Valentines Day.

As I mentioned before we are a pretty low key family over here. We’ll probably just cook dinner in and wear some cute V-day outfits. Maybe watch a movie and have an extra special treat for dessert.

I hope you all have the most AMAZING end to this week. And please please stay warm! Its no joke out there!!!

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