Lets Look (Favorite Reads)

Its another Let Look Link up with Shay and Erika!!

I’m so excited to let you all take a little peek into my favorite reads!

I absolutely HATED reading when I was younger.

Like, it was probably my least favorite thing in the entire world to do.

Maybe because we were “forced” to read certain books in school, that could sometimes really bore the pants off of kids of that age.

After I was older and had kids of my own, I started to read a little here and there.

I would get into the trilogies or series like “Twilight”, “50 Shades of Gray” and “The Hunger Games”.

I do believe they will be some of my Forever Favorites.

But Last year I was determined to get more reading in and started the year off with a bang, but then I slowly started reading less and less and ended the year with only 5 completed books!

I was very disappointed with myself guys.

BUT they were all pretty good!

My first book of last year was actually a recommendation from Shay herself.

“The Secret Life of Violet Grant”

Its been well over a year since I read this so I would definitely need a refresher to give you a more detailed review.

But in a nut shell, its about a young girl who is from a very wealthy family. She doesn’t feel very much like she fits in, and finally breaks away from them after graduating from college as a writer for a stylish Metropolitan magazine.

Not at all the life her family had envisioned for her.

One day she receives a suitcase in the mail filled with contents that have her digging up a family members past life.

This book was such an easy read. So many twists and turns, and an ending you will never see coming! I would say it was one of my favorite reads of all time!

Another Favorite was “The Couple Next Door”

This one was another really good one, about a couple who went right next door for a dinner party after they put their little one to sleep.

They kept the monitor right next to them.

Took turns every 15 minutes to go check on her.

But during one of the checks, they discovered she had been taken from her crib.

It was seriously another edge of your seat book, but in a completely different way then “The secret life of Violet Grant”.

This year I’m already Seven books into my goal of 45 and half way through the eighth.

And so far there has only been one that I didn’t really LOVE.

You can check out my January Book Review here.

My favorite book from January I would have to say was “My Story” by Elizabeth Smart.

I think that knowing it was a true story really had me sucked in from the beginning.

To hear her story and know the things she went through for nine months. I tried to put myself in her shoes and wonder if I would be strong enough to endure the things she did and still come out of it with such a positive outlook on life.

I would hope that I could, and I think that she has definitely given me a whole new perspective on Faith and Perseverance.

I started this month off with one that kind of bored me. So that was toughm but I was determined to read it through the end.

I was actually intrigued to read the book “Verity” after hearing so many reviews that it was an extremely disturbing book. So that’s what pushed me to get through my first boring book of the month.

I just had to see what it was all about.

And though I do think it was very very disturbing and tough to read at times, it was something I just had to keep reading to see how it ended.

I read the book in one day guys!

So I don’t know, I’m torn. I don’t think I could say I would or would not recommend it. Just that its very disturbing, very rated R x’s 10, not for the faint of heart, but a page turner for sure.

And another Favorite was “The Family Next Door”

I love a book that keeps you wondering.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out there would be a turn of events and I would be right back to square one.

This book too a look into the lives of several different housewives and their families.

Women who were always looking for greener grass, not realizing all of their neighbors were going through tough times of their own.

Its definitely got a great message about really not judging a book by its cover.

The grass really isn’t always greener on the other side.

I’ll be writing a little more about them and some other books I’m reading or have read at the end of the month.

I’d love some new recommendations to add to my list of must reads!! Let me know in the comments what some of your favorites are!

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