Friday Favorites


For todays Friday Favorites I’m linking up with Erika, Narci, and Shaeffer! They are some amazing ladies and I think you all will love what they have to share!

This week has flown by and normally I would beg for time to slow down but this week I am so thankful for it for some reason.

I think the weather is starting to give me a little dose of the winter blues, so I’m just looking forward to another relaxing low key weekend.

My absolute favorite thing to do on the weekend is staying in jammies, playing games with the kids and eating some good comfort food.

Before we know it, softball will be back in full swing and our weekends of doing nothing will just be another memory. πŸ˜‰

Next week my niece will be joining my weekly routine. I’m so excited to start taking care of her during the days again. She is seriously the sweetest.

So I’ll be adding daily lesson plans and tons of fun to our daily routine.

AND I’ll be busy planning this handsome little guys 4th Birthday party!

After much debate and a million theme changes we decided to go with Star Wars.

I think it will be fun since he’s turning Four!

You know, “May the Fourth be with You” and all. πŸ˜‰

So anyway, on to my Friday Favorites!

Today I’m sharing some of my Favorite Amazon finds!

I had a full on home daycare a few years back so Amazon was literally life for me.

Gone were the days of strolling through Target and Ikea. If I needed a little retail therapy I had to do it online during nap time.

So Amazon Prime and I became very close!

So close, even, that I just found out I’ve been paying for TWO Prime accounts for the past year or so…


How did I not realize that….womp womp.


These 2 ounce disposable containers with lids are perfect for the lunch box.

My girls love to pack salads and I used these to separate the cheese, croutons, and dressing while still fitting it all in the same Tupperware.

You can get 100 for under $8 which I thought was a pretty good deal.


Speaking of my little guys birthday.

This shirt was what he wore last year for his 3rd birthday party.

Amazon is definitely my go to for any kind of themed shirt for my kids.

They are usually very reasonably priced and delivered to my door in 2 days.

There he is, in all his cheesey super here glory. πŸ˜‰


This Pen was life saving!

When we were putting our house on the market, we were super worried about the kitchen.

It was the only room in the house that we hadn’t really given a full blown makeover.

Anytime I would hang a picture or put up a sheet of removeable wallpaper, Mike would always tell me I was just putting lipstick on a pig.

But hey sometimes lipstick really does the trick.

So I decided to give it a try on our grout situation on one of our tile shelves/countertops and it worked sooooo good!

It looked like I completely re-grouted the entire thing.

Bright and clean and got the job done.


And speaking of putting lipstick on a pig.

Another kitchen counter got a little bit of loving from this marble contact paper.

If you were riding by on a horse you would totally think it was granite! πŸ˜‰

Only $7.53 a roll. I think I only needed two for my project


This cactus wall tapestry was the perfect find for my daughters room. And it’s only $12.50!

She’s still unsure of what color she wants to paint the walls and she wants no help from me at the moment, so I though I would at least buy something for her to hang while she’s deciding.

Or before she comes home from school one day and is surprised with a room makeover…


I just wrote my Lets Look link up post on Wednesday about my Favorites Reads and I can not believe I forgot to add this one!

Shonda Rhimes had me feeling unstoppable after I read her book “Year of Yes”

I felt like I related to her so much.

Shy, quiet and reserved home body.

But that year she said YES was the year she really seemed to LIVE!

I loved it.


This one is for all you moms with daughters!

I absolutely love the idea behind this book.

Its a journal for just you and her.

A no judgement zone.

Where you can ask questions and get to know each other on a more intimate level without feeling embarrassment or shame.

If she has a question that’s tough to ask out loud she writes it down in this book and leaves it in whatever “spot” you decided on.

You read it and write her back.

I think its such a great way for girls to deal with some of those tough moments of growing up.

They should know that they should never feel shameful of the changes going on in their lives, and that you’ve got there back whenever they need you.

Sometimes its just tough for some of us to open up, so I think writing it down in a private journal is such a great idea.


These meal prep containers were a lifesaver for my husband who spends on average 20 hours a week driving all over the tri state area for work.

He lost 50+ lbs a few years ago and the last thing he wanted to do was gain it back from having a job that isn’t very active.

Not to mention he’s taking people out to lunch a few times a week and was worried about all of those unnecessary calories.

So these containers helped him to prep the healthy stuff.

That way he wouldn’t be starving at the restaurant or when he got home, causing him to binge eat.

Seven Containers cost just under $10.


One of my all time favorite buys!

My youngest daughter tells me she hates peanut butter and jelly but she some how loves uncrustables.

Funny that.

I argued her on it for years. There is no way I’m spending that much on a box of uncrutables when I can make a perfectly good Pb&J myself.

Just tear off the crust kid! πŸ˜‰

But then, I found this and its lifechanging.

I mean, I have to admit, uncrustables really do taste so much better for some reason.

So now we really can make our own.

I just make sandwiches with 1-2 loaves of bread at a time. Seal them up with this bad boy and voila homemade uncrustables.

Just grab and go!


When my oldest was in Kindergarten she caught the bug…

The unthinkable, every parents worst nightmare bug…



I was mortified and embarrassed when it happened. But soon realized it was so common, and it definitely didn’t mean you were dirty which is how I initially felt.

After that I was one of those fanatic moms about not sharing hats or putting your big furry hoods near anyone else.

All stuffed animals MUST GO!

Don’t even so much as touch another school mates hair brush, and NEVER share a hair accessory.

But this product made me feel a little more at ease.

Its not a treatment, but a deterent.

I even spray it in my hair sometimes.

Just to be safe…

There’s not much I haven’t bought from Amazon.

I could seriously go on and on.

I feel like in 2017 I could have single handedly kept them in business.

So go on and shop till ya drop!

But don’t forget your delivery guy at Christmas time! πŸ˜‰

**This Post contains affiliate links**



  1. Katy Malkin February 17, 2019 / 1:28 pm

    Some goodies here! Love books by Shonda Rimes for mindset, and that cactus tapestry is so cte!

    • Kerri
      February 17, 2019 / 2:13 pm

      Yes Shonda Rimes books can definitely make you feel like you can conquer the world πŸ™‚

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