What’s Up Wednesday (April 2019)

Its What’s Up Wednesday!!

A fun little link up hosted by Shay and Shaeffer, where we share a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

To be honest, it seems like the only thing that’s been going on in my life has been softball. So much so, that when I woke up this morning I didn’t even realize it was the last Wednesday of the month already!

Time is just flying by!

But other then softball, here’s a little of whats been going on in the Johnston household this past month.

1.What we’re eating.

I’ve been trying hard to get back into my shake routine. The winter weight is still lingering and these shakes work phenomenally at helping to shed that. Not to mention how much better I feel when I incorporate them into my daily routine.

The birthday cake flavor might be one of my all time favorite, which I was very surprised about.

So sad that it was a seasonal flavor, hoping that they bring it back to stay!

If I’m not shaking, I’m always looking for fun ways to eat healthy. I am just not your boring salad and veggies kind of girl. I need my food to be somewhat exciting or I will definitely fail.

I’ve seen those fun little cheese wraps all over pinterest. Where you take a piece of provolone cheese and add your meat and veggies to that. The idea behind it is for a low carb meal. So I got everything I would need to make one with chicken salad, EXCEPT the cheese. oops!

But I just decided to opt for a deconstructed Chicken Salad sandwich, or a chicken salad Salad. And it was so good! Obviously no need for dressing, since the chicken salad basically is the dressing.

I just ordered a premade chicken salad which made it super easy.

I found this yummy recipe in the Wegmans flyer. So simple.

Gnocchi. Asparagus. Olive oil. Garlic. Parmesan cheese.

The original recipe also called for frozen edamame, but I didn’t have that so we skipped it.

And this white chicken chili, is dangerous.

I don’t make it often because I have no self control when this is around.

In the crockpot, you just add chicken, cream cheese, ranch packet, black beans, corn, diced tomatoes and green chili, chili powder, cumin and garlic powder.

Here is the original recipe that I followed.

2. What I’m reminiscing about

The other day when the kids were having an egg hunt at my in-laws they stumbled across some real robins eggs in a bush.

It got us reminiscing about the time we watched birds at our old house build a nest on a ladder we had hanging on our fence.

We got to watch the eggs hatch and the baby birds grow until the day the flew out of their nest.

It was such a fun little experience for all of us. 🙂

3. What I’m loving

Spring Break! My kids are off until next Monday for Spring Break and although we don’t have anything major planned I am enjoying the laid back schedule and the break from driving back and forth a million times a day.

4. What I’ve been up to

I know I sound like a broke record, but Softball.

Guys it really is our life right now, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Both girls play for school and rec league so we are busy with all that.

We do always manage to squeeze in a few other things here and there.

Movies, Mall, Family game time.

Our free time is scarce but we do try to make the best of it when we get it.

5. What I’m dreading

This one will kind of goes hand in hand with what I’m excited about. I am DREADING taking the cover off the pool and dealing with the unkown. It is our first beginning of summer as pool owners so I just don’t know what to expect.

How much work will it be to get it all ready for swimming?!

6. What I’m working on

I’m currently working on getting my Isagenix life back on track.

Trying to keep up with my facebook page. Keep track of my website and learn more about the product I have grown to love.

7. What I’m excited about

Although I am dreading the unknown, I really am SO excited to get this pool opening up and have it ready to swim in every day!

My two youngest are fish. They LOVE swimming and will probably swim from sun up to sun down every single day this summer. And that will make the maintence of the pool so worth it!

8. What I’m watching/reading

We used to LOVE watching Survivor together as a family in the past. When we moved into our new house we decided to ditch cable and just used Netflix to watch movies and old shows.

We just recently deciced to add Hulu to our streaming services since its So cheap!

And they offer shows that are currently on tv. Availble to you, usually the day after they air.

So we are bringing the survivor nights back and I’m so excited!

I also just got done reading my third book of the month and it was bizarre. I’ll write a little bit about it in my April Book review coming up, but there were moments where I literally stopped and had to ask myself “What did I just read?”

Maybe I was just lost since it was the 5th book in a series of books that I hadn’t read before.

But it was odd.

So I’m finishing off my month of reading with the book “Unstuffed”.

Because decluttering your mind and your life works WONDERS on your inner and outer happiness.

I started to read this book last year and felt so good while reading it, but then got sidetracked and never finished it.

9. What I’ listening to

Summer time puts me back into my country music phase, so I’ve been listening to the Spotify Playlist “Summer Country”

10. What I’m wearing

I found the most comfy jeans by Lauren Conrad the other day and have been living in them!

Her clothes always just seem so true to size and made to keep you comfortable.

I currently live in yoga pants because I need comfort to get through my days of laundry, dishes, and running around with kids.

These jeans definitely did the trick and actually made me look like I attempted getting dressed.

11. What I’m doing this weekend

This weekend, outside of softball, we’ll be celebrating two of my nieces birthdays!

Family time is my favorite past time ever so I am definitely looking forward to it.

And I will be trying my hand and one of those cute little unicorn cakes, so I’m super excited about that.

12. What I’m looking forward to next month

Next month will be one of our busiest months yet! Which I always LOVE and look forward to.

Down time is great, but I really do love staying busy and always having something to do.

Mike and Cecilia will both celebrate birthdays. We’ll celebrate mothers day and are hoping to catch Andy Grammar at the Wilmington Flower Market.

We’ll be wrapping up the school year and preparing for school dances, trips and graduations.

I’m just so excited and looking forward to it all.

13. What else is new

Not much else going on here.

I did venture out and take the kids to the Cape May zoo yesterday, which I’ll write up a little review and post about later. It was a fun little adventure for us.

And that should wrap it up for now!

Turns out we’ve been up to quite a bit 😉

I hope you all have the most amazing Wednesday and enjoy the rest of your week!

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