Let me first start by saying, “Where in the heck does the time go?!”
One of my Facebook Memories of the day today was a post I wrote about my first borns first day of kindergarten!
It was posted nine years ago.
Which means guys….
That Kindergartener, is now a High School Freshman!!

What the what?!
How? Just tell me that, please.
Its another one of those bittersweet moments of parenthood.
I’m so sad to see yet another summer go, but I am so proud and so looking forward to finding out all that the future has in store for my kids and our family.
That being said, I still have a few more days before I have to go ugly cry about my other two starting school. So for now, lets just recap all of the amazingness that was this summer.

P.S I am NOT a stuffed animal fan in the least…
The things we do for the kids. 😉

The kids had so much fun with this one!!

If you know me or if you’ve been following along with the blog at all you know that we are a softball lovin family.
So on the weekends where many families are slipping on their flip flops to spend the day in the sand, we are usally slipping on our cleats to go spend the day in the dirt.
Same thing though right?
We did manage to squeeze in a decent amount of beach time at the very beginning of summer and again at the very end.
I am also blessed to be able to stay at home with the kids, and though we were on a tight budget this summer we were able to get into some pretty fun activities.
A lot of swimming.
A lot of laughs.
BBQ’s, roasted Marshmallows, Sleepovers, late nights.

It really was the perfect summer.
And I’m so sad to see it go.
Yesterday I sent my oldest off to Highschool.
It was tough.
Surprisingly I shed no actual tears, but I think its because I’m still in shock.
As much as I talk about how fast time flies, it truly is hard to believe that she’s a 9th grader already.
I try my best to make the most out of our summer days together.
One day all of my babies will be grown up with lives of their own.
And the scariest part is, having no idea what their future holds.
Which is why I love to live in the moment and experience as much as we can with the money and time that we do have NOW.
I am so thankful and grateful for every single ounce of our time together.

Peace out Summer 2019. You’ve been so good to us!!!!
“A Summer I’ll always remember, with people I’ll never forget”