Good Morning and Happy Tuesday!!!
I am super happy to be linking up with Ashley and Erika for another Tuesday Talks!
Not sure how we’ve gotten to mid September already, but its happening.
Here in Delaware the air is feeling a little more crisp in the mornings and evenings, which I LOVE. But we are still fighting a little with the humidity during the days.
Fall,if you’re coming, we’re ready for ya!!!
Tuesday talks, is a little link up where we can talk about anything and everything under the sun.
I actually haven’t done one in quite some time, but in April I talked about Sports Mom Life. In March I talked about my weightloss journey with the amazing nutritional program I found! And in January I talked about some of my New Years Goals!
Today, I’m talking about Life lately. Getting back into the school year routine (Is it Summer Break yet?!) and a few fun little projects we have going on around the house in the limited spare time that we have!
The girls are in full swing at school.
I’m not sure I’m 100% ready for this high school thing, but we’re doing it!
We met some of Sophia’s teachers last night.
One of them used to teach me in highschool and another went to school with me. So strange!
Cole just started preschool last week and he has made such huge progress from last year when he would chase after me every morning crying his eyes out!

He was hesitant on his first day, but has gone in with a huge smile every day after that. I think it helps that his cousin is right next store starting her pre-K 3 journey.
Our scheudles are crazy!
I’m trying so hard to keep up with my reading challenge this year! I have had so much fun reading all of the amazing books I have so far this year. And I love sharing some of my feedback with you all.
Not to mention the great recommendations I’ve been getting from some of you!

But our normal schedule goes a little something like this
- 5am wake up (yup…the worst!)
- 5:30 wake up the kids and start getting breakfast ready
- 6am clean up from breakfast
- 6:30 out the door to drop C off at her school
- 7:35 Sophia is dropped at her school
- 8am back home
- 8:30 breakfast #2 (really a snack) for the little ones before they are off to school
- 9am drop the littles off
- 9:15-11:15 (errands, chores, blog etc)
- 11:30 pick up littles from pre school
- 12pm back home for lunch
- 12:30 free play
- 1:00-1:30 (free play/paint/outside time/reading/games etc)
- 1:40 leave to pick up C
- 2:30 pick up Soph
- 3pm back home!
- 3-4 snack, chores, down time
- 4-5 start homework, prep dinner, screen time for the little ones
- 5:30 (M,W,F we try to have dinner together, T and TH half of the house is out the door for softball. Sometimes cole and I join, sometimes we hang here)
- 8pm we wind down. Watch our shows. Start showers. Clean up again and again..
- 10pm Sleep
I’m trying to fit fitness back into my schedule and though I know it IS possible, its tough. Ideally I’d like to wake up even earlier then 5 and try to get it done, which I know I can totally handle but its just getting abck into that routine that will be tough at first. 5am is hard enough.
Otherwise I’ll have to do it while the kids are in school (which I also know is possible, but then I’ll miss out on that time I have to run errands, clean and blog) I don’t know guys, its tough for sure!
When do you lovely people fit in your fitness time?!
I think trying something like this to begin would be great! Looks pretty easy to incorporate into even the busiest scheudles!

To save a little sanity in the mornings, I’ve also been trying to prep easy things in the freezer as much as possible. Muffins, Banana Bread, Energy Balls, PB&J Uncrustable and Nutella Uncrustables. I can make so many at home for a fraction of the store bought ones. I just bought ones of these awesome Sandwich Presses and it makes life soo much easier!
I usually do an entire loaf of Nutella and an entire loaf of Pb&J at the beginning of each week. Then just individually bag them and put them all in a freezer ziplock in the freezer. They can grab and go in the mornings and by lunch time they are thawed an ready to eat!

Our newest Project around here is our Den.
Its a super long room that has been so difficult for us to style.
It was all paneling when we first moved in, but a few months after we moved here we realized that there was perfectly in tact Dry Wall right behind it! So we ripped it down, Mike did a little woodwork and created some “Board and Batten” walls for us which made a HUGE difference.
But then I just felt like the Blue wall I had for the Fireplace was looking cheap, and imcomplete or something.
I couldn’t figure it out.
So I decided to paint it back to white. Then I painted the white washed brick completely white and spray painted the gold Fireplace cover black anf voila it already made such a big difference.

I’m going to write a full blog post on that soon to show the complete Before and After but so far I am really loving it.
We are also having a big debate on the art over the Fireplace.

Mike doesn’t want to admit it yet, but I think its growing on him.
I saw something similar on Pinterest a while back that I’m not able to find again, but I decided to create my own version of it on a plywood piece that mike built a few years ago for a mod podge project.
I just painted the whole thing white, framed it out in black and then wrote with a sharpie paint pen lots of different random quotes.
The idea was for it to be super imperfect and random and I LOVED it right away.
Some people are saying they think its too busy, some are saying they like the art just not over the fireplace, and some are saying they love it all together!
What are your thoughts on it?! I would love honest opinions!
I already know that it’ll be staying for a while. I just think it looks exactly like I envisioned it. But I also got a lot of great feedback and suggestions from so many friends and strangers that I will happily be considering. 🙂 We’re always a work in progress over here.
So that’s its for my Tuesday talk! Time to get this house picked up before the little ones are back to destroy it again. 😉
ahhh….the life of a mom.

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