Whats Up Wednesday!!

I had no idea today was the last Wednesday of the month already!! This month flew by just as fast as the rest of them did this year!

I can not believe we’re almost to October, which means its practically Christmas and then New Year.

That’s how it always feels anyway!

So What’s up Wednesday is a fun link up party hosted by Sheaffer and Shay where you just share all the things.

1.What we’re Eating

This month I participated in #shelftember with Jordan Page and the rest of her Freebs. It’s definitely quite the challenge!

But basically the theory is to use up all the thing you have around the house. In the fridge, freezer and Cupboards. We all usually have SO MUCH more then we even realize.

Jordan sticks to a budget of $25/week to restock fresh produce, breads, milk etc. and then uses what she has to plan her meals.

I budgeted mine to no more then $50 each week. Because #teenagers and #hungryhungryhusband!

The first three weeks I killed it! Here’s what I spent

  • Week one $43.36
  • Week Two $47.68
  • Week Three $59.61 (went over a tad)
  • Week Four (BOMBED IT $207.52)

Haha its definitely hard. BUT my total Grocery bill still ended up only being $358.7 which means I saved a little over $240 this month. I’d say that still a major win for us.

And the best part is for dinners we ate Fish tacos, Baked Zit, homemade Chinese chicken and fried rice, Shrimp Scampi, Chili, Nachos, Chicken and Veggies, Fish and Potatoes, Shrimp Fajitas, Turkey burgers and so much more. And the kids had plenty in their lunches.

Yummiest Chicken recipe EVER!! I don’t really have specific measurements but you just pound your chicken down so its pretty thin, mix a packet of Lipton Savory Herb and garlic soup mix with about a cup of Mayo and a little water to thin it out just a tad. Brush the mixture all over chicken and bake at 350 for about 25-30 minutes.

I’m also trying to get myself back in shape and make healthier choices which means more proteins, fruits and veggies and less breads, potatoes and chips.

2.What I’m reminiscing about

Last year for Christmas in Lieu of gifts my mom took all five of her kids, their significant others and her seven grands on a trip to the Pocono Mountains.

All 15 of us!

We’re trying to decide on this years trip right now.

We’re torn between doing the same thing again because it was such a blast or traveling somewhere a little different.

We don’t want to go overboard, and aren’t looking to spend a fortune. Just something fun for the whole family. Somewhat nearby. We want to be able to drive ourselves. And something that we don’t need an entire week of vacation to enjoy.

Any suggestions.

Until then, we’ll be reminiscing about last year. πŸ™‚

Our crew took up almost the entire shuttle bus to the mountains!
Such a fun time for the cousins to play and create memories together!!

3.What we’ve been up to

Softball is back in Full Swing so we’ve been spending weeknights and Sunday evenings at the fields practicing. Its so crazy how dark its already starting to get so early!

4.What I’m dreading

Honestly, there isn’t much I’m dreading lately. Other then paying the Bills. That is definitely my least favorite thing about adulting.

5.What I’m working on

I’ve been working on my Fall Decorations! Which this year is actually Halloween Decorations. My girls love the Halloween vibe so I went ahead and let them get their way this year!

I’m not usually a fan of Halloween decorations. So I tried to give the girls what they wanted while also keeping it somewhat “crisp and clean” looking.

6.What I’m excited about

I’m so excited to see my girls doing their thing this weekend! They are playing in their first tournament of the Season!

7.What I’m watching/reading

I’m currently reading “The Unhoneymooners” trying to finish up my reading for September so I can write up my September Book Review!

The one thing I love about car rider line is that it gives me time to jump into my books and get closer to reaching my reading goals!!

Check out all of the books I’ve read in 2019 here.

I just started the new Season of 911, anyone else watch? I was kind of disappointed. Other then that we really have no time to tv, though I’m kind of miss “This is Us” so I may have to try to catch up on that.

8.What I’m listening to

I’ve had the Fearless Motivation playlist on repeat lately.

9.What I’m wearing

I’m slowly starting to build my Fall Wardrobe. Though its still like 100 degrees in Delaware during the days.

My Go to for affordable clothing has been Amazon. I just got this cute “Good Vibes Only” Tshirt for $16. Its such a great material and does not feel cheap AT ALL! They have it in 9 different styles. Some long sleeved and some tanks.

Here are a few things that are on their way to me!

I just snagged this beauty this morning for only $12! The lightning deal is over but its still only a little over $16 which is a great price for this cute Long Sleeve Tshirt dress.
I’m also waiting for this super pretty purple top to come in! I don’t think I own anything in this color. Black is the main color in my wardrobe so I’m trying to change that up a little!

This 6 pack of Headbands is only $13.99! They are so comfy and don’t slip around at all.

10. What I’m doing this weekend

Softball!! Softball! Softball!! And a little Hotel hanging with friends and Fam! Definitely looking forward to the weekend.

11.What I’m looking forward to next month

Halloween!! I do really love seeing all the Fun Costume

We started to get the kids costumes together last weekend.

Any guesses on what Sophia is going to be?

Cole picked his out and Cecilia is still trying to figure it all out. 9th Grade is tough on a lot of different level.

And I’m trying to think of something fun that Mike and I could maybe dress up as. We don’t have any parties we’re going to but we like to do a little something when we’re walking around with the kids.

This one from a few years ago is probably my all time Favorite of ours!! I don’t think we will ever beat it….

I was so impressed with Cecilia for going along as Cousin It!!

12. What else is new?

Not to much!! We’re just getting by one day at a time! Always trying to seize the day and enjoy the moments.

September has been good to us.

Three kids succefully started school.

One in highschool in a brand new school.

We’ve met all the teachers and signed all the papers. And now we’re ready to continue to watch them grow!

Happy Hump Day Friends!!! I hope you are all enjoying another beautiful Wednesdsay.

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  1. Amanda September 25, 2019 / 10:16 pm

    So kindred spirits we just may be! I’m always at the softball field OR soccer field now that my youngest has embraced that one. Fall ball is the best! Shelftember sounds awesome – I’m a Dave Ramsey girl so I’m always looking for ways to nip/tuck the budget! But I don’t keep anything stockpiled so…we would be starving-tember! Love those dresses as well on Amazon and have been putting them in my cart for about three months LOL! I wish you a great week.

    • Kerri
      September 25, 2019 / 10:56 pm

      haha yes it sounds like we are definitely kindred spirits! My girls have being playing softball for about eight years now so we have grown very accustomed to that life! It can be exhausting at times but we love the softball life! I tried Shelftember last year and it definitely turned out to be more of a starving-tember for us as well! lol I’ve learned a lot since then though and kept enough to get through those first three weeks! Hoping next year is even better. πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great week as well.

  2. Dawn September 25, 2019 / 11:10 pm

    I love your decorations.
    Blessings, Dzwn

    • Kerri
      September 26, 2019 / 12:23 pm

      Thanks so much Dawn! πŸ™‚

  3. Natashajk September 26, 2019 / 4:10 pm

    Now I’m thinking we need to do a Shelftember for October and eat all that food that’s been hanging around for ages. Maybe I’ll try and use up one thing a week? Or twice a week? But I still love this idea.

    We love gifting experiences instead of things. It’s so much better and builds lasting memories.

    And I love that last thought — yes, all the time I’m going between “Where are my babies?” and “You are amazing and incredible right now.”

    Now I’m off to check out your 2019 Books πŸ™‚

    • Kerri
      September 26, 2019 / 4:30 pm

      Yes you can definitely incorporate the shelftember into October, it really helped save so much money and actual eat the food we already bought that just gets shoved to the back of the cabinets!!
      I think back to all the money we have spent over the years on “things” and feel like it was such a waste in the long run. For most of it anyway. There’s nothing better then spending actual time together.
      Hope you enjoy the book reviews! πŸ™‚

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