Fall Shoes Splurge vs. Save

I LOVE a good pair of shoes! But if I’m being totally honest I just can’t get myself to spend $100’s on just one single pair.

Maybe someday I’ll have a little extra dough to splurge, but for now, this momma is saving every chance she gets!

So I’ve rounded up a few Splurge Vs. Save for Fall Shoes that will blow your mind!

So many off brand shoes can make the same statement as high priced name brands!

My middle school self, never would have believed that.

Like these Steve Madden vs. Amazon Fashion boots. Both black suede. Both have a chunkier heel. Similar shaped toe box. But one of them costs almost $90 more then the other!

  1. Amazon Boots
  2. Steve Madden Boots

Snake print is trending this Fall and I am not mad about it at all! I never thought I’d be an animal print kind of girl but they are definitely growing on me! These two snake print loafers both have very similar looks. For me the Target ones would be munch more affordable though. And I truly think they are just as cute as the Dr. Scholls brand.

  1. Target Loafers
  2. Dr. SCholl’s Loafers

Wedge booties are one of my FAVORITE fall shoes!! I just love that it gives you a little height without making it super hard to walk. Because guys, walking can be really hard sometimes. I think these two wedges are both super cute and very similar looking but Target saves the day again, bringing them to you at less then half the price of the TOMS brand.

  1. TOMS
  2. Target

I’m sure you’ve all already seen this comparison!! They truly look SOO similar. I think the only noticeable difference is the shine (which isn’t even as shiny in person) and the brighter white bottom of the Walmart pair. And Walmart is brining them to you for only $14.88!!! What?! That’s insane! They also have so many colors to choose from.

  1. Steve Madden
  2. Walmart
  1. Vince Camuto’s $149.95
  2. Target dupes $37.99

I’m loving the look of this laser cut bootie. And in my opinion the Target dupe is way cuter! I love the length of the heel and the color of them! These two shoes are so similar in style but the Vince Caputo is coming in $112 more!! That’s crazy! Imagine all of the other shoes you could buy with those savings!

Those are my top 5 Favorites that I’ve found!

Enjoy your week friends!

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  1. Michelle October 1, 2019 / 4:32 pm

    I’m so glad it’s finally boot season!! 😀

    • Kerri
      October 1, 2019 / 4:47 pm

      Same!! I’m a summer girl at heart but Boot season is definitely a verrry close second! 🙂

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