Anyone else still in shock that it’s October?! It truly feels like we just blinked and Summer was gone and school was starting, and now we’re already through September and into October. I just cant….
I’ve heard that the years go by faster the older you get. And I am really starting to believe that.
BUT instead of harping over the days that have come and gone, we like to try our very best to live in the moment and enjoy our time together as much as we can.
We always do a Christmas Bucket list in the form of a countdown calendar. Its a lot to plan every activity and actually stick to it, so I didn’t want to do exactly that for Halloween, but I still wanted to come up with something that helped us think of fun activities to do together this month.
So I created this simple Halloween Bucket list! We won’t be doing something every single day, and if we don’t get to all 19 I wont panic that we didn’t complete it.
Its a little more laid back then our Christmas one!
Anyway….Help yourself to the pdf file!! It would be great to hang on your fridge! You can laminate it if you’d like and have the kids cross the activities off as they are completed.
Click here to download your own!
And just for fun here’s a few pics from Halloween’s Past!
Mr. and Mrs. Ugh my sweet babies…and that scary old man… Friends at Trunk or Treat The Johnston “Adams” Family Mikes fun creation last year! Cole getting all the goo out! Channeling my inner Morticia Adams 😉