I entered a Giveaway about 10 years ago where the woman was giving away an area rug of choice. I got a message a few weeks later that I was the winner. And I did not for the life of me believe it! haha I was like, no way! this has got to be a scam!
I immeditely wrote to the woman running the Giveaway and asked her if she was joking.
She was not.
And I ended up getting so excited that I picked a rug I ended up hating!! haha
It was such a tough decision and I felt so much pressure. But guys! I WON something, and that never happens.
It literally made my day and I was on the edge of my seat every day after just waiting for that delivery.
Then a few weeks ago I was driving through the Chick Fila drive thru and when I pulled up to pay they told me the person in front of me paid for my order. That had never happened to me before! I was beaming and felt sooo happy that someone was so kind to do that.
So again, I felt the pressure and totally skipped out without paying it forward.
The whole ride home I was like “omg what if I just broke a chain of 100’s of people buying for each other.” lol
I’ve since then paid it forward it other ways, But my point is it feels SOO good to win something or to be given something just because. But it feels 100x’s better to be the giver.
So I’ve decided to host a monthly “Favorite Things” Giveaway!!
Which guys, I can only promise will get better each and every month!
One thing that I will include in every giveaway is the winners choice of any of the books I’ve reviewd on my blog.
I love to read and I feel like you can totally escape into a whole nother world which is so good for the soul! But if you aren’t a reader like me you can always regift your book. 🙂
So for my first Giveaway I will be giving away
This ADORABLE pair of Nickel and Suede Earrings
Have you every purchased a pair of these beauties?! They come in so many shapes, patterns, prints, colors and styles and I just about LOVE every one! You will have no idea you are wearing earrings, they are soo light! Made with 14K gold or sterling silver and genuine leather. The quality is AMAZING and they truly are one of my very favorite things.

A mustard Yellow and Grey Blanket Scarf that I picked up at Target.

White Barn’s best scent of all time!! Anyone know about this cactus blossom scent. I got it as a birthday gift once and have been hooked every since. It makes the entire house smell life heaven.

And your book of choice from my 2019 reading list! I’m working now on creating an easy list so you can see all of the choices and links to my reviews but for now just click here and it will bring you to all of my reviews of the year.
All you have to do to enter is follow me on either Facebook or IG (ways to earn extra entries if you follow me on both! ) Like and Share my Facbook post about the Giveaway and like my Giveaway post on IG. Extra entries for tagging friends and commenting with your book of choice!
***Giveaway entry deadline is October 24th 11:59pm Eastern time. Drawing will take place on Friday October 25th***.

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