Holy Cow there are a TON of kids toys out there these days!!
I rounded up my top 30 finds for preschool age for you all today.
I didn’t do a gender specific one since many are neutral. I’m pretty sure my son would pick every single one of these toys to put on his Christmas list, including the Princess dresses! haha
Hope you find something fun for those cuties in your life!
Tomorrow be on the look out for toys geared towards the school aged kids!
Preschool Aged Gift Guide (2-4 Years)

1.Radio Flyer Tricycle// 2.Little People Disney Frozen Castle//3.Baby Shark Toy//4.Play-doh 10 pack//5.Leapfrog Ice Cream Cart//6.Paw Patrol Vehicles//7. Leapfrog 100 words book//8.Fisher Price Food Truck//9.CandyLand//10.Spiderman Building Kit//11.Star wars scream saber//12.Kinetic Sand//13.Paw Patrol Command Center//14.Kindi Kids doll//15.V-tech write and learn center//16.Doctors Kit//17.Little Tykes Trampoline//18.Peppa House//19,Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game//20.Bath Pipe Toys//21.CLassic Mr.Potato Head//22.Buzz Lightyear Mr.Potato Head//23.Disney Dress up//24.Marvel Matching Game//25.Etch A Sketch//26.Melissa and Doug Puzzles//27.Frozen 5′ Castle//28.Frozen Friends Collection//29.Melissa and Doug Easel//30.Play-doh Firetruck
Thanks for shopping!!

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I loved my Etch A Sketch when I was little. That was one of my favorite toys. 😀
Author November 7, 2019 / 6:03 pm
Me too! My son discovered one at my in laws over the summer and LOVES it! So cool to see so many of those nostalgic toys are still hanging around 🙂