A little bit of life lately

Good Morning beautiful people!! I hope you all had an amazing long Fourth of July weekend!

Ours was JAM packed with family, fun, food and SOFTBALL!!

I am so excited I can finally complain about the dirty uniforms and missing socks again!!

We were finally able to get back into playing the first week of June. I thought for sure our entire season was going to end up canceled due to all this covid crap but I was pleansantly surprised when we got the email that it was a go!

So we jumped right back into the swing of things and have been going ever since. But other then softball, we were also able to squeeze in some much needed beach time, some much needed cousin time, and some much needed sibling time!

Being quarantined has definitely given us a whole new appreciation for family time. Not that we didn’t appreciate or enjoy it before, but it’s just different now, one of those simple things we all took for granted before.

We’ve spent many beautiful days sitting pool side! This pool is definitely a lot of work, and though this year is far easier then last year as far as maintence goes, we’re still learning a thing or two. BUT we aboslutely love it and feel so thankful for it on these hot days.

When the stay at home order first went into affect back in march, we all quarantines in our homes with out immediate families. It was great for a while honestly, just to have that down time. But we are a close knit family, so when mom had a party last week for my brothers 30th we were all so happy to be together celebrating in the same place after 4 months apart.

It was so good to get Cole some much needed boy time with little ones his age.

Girls, Girls, Girls

We explored some great state parks, rented kayaks and paddle boats, and started back on a better “preschool” routine for the littles.

And then guys, this happened!!! I was accepted into the liketoknowit influencer program!! I am so beyond excited for this opportunity! I have a ton to learn and a long long way to go but I am so ready for this new experience. Find me on the app @leighbroadfield03 to shop my looks and more!

June truly was an amazing month! I am so thankful to be slowly easing our way back into normalcy! There are still so many people that we are distanced from that I can’t wait to see again one day soon, but being able to get more of this sibling/cousin bonding time has been so good for the soul. I hope all of you are able to start feeling that same kind of happiness.

As scary as the unknown is right now, I am very much hopeful and looking foward to what the future will bring.

Have a wonder Monday y’all!!
