Amazon Lately

Good Morning!! Monday came a little too quick, but boy was it was a good weekend.

Mike and I celebrated 12 years of marriage with no kids, mexican food, swimming and relaxing by the pool, apple pie, and a couple scary movies. It was the perfect laid back way to celebrate.

This morning I’m taking a little drive to the beach to pick up Cece from a friends beach house so she’s home in time for our orthodontist consult tomorrow morning. The one that I’ve rescheduled 1,000 times and completely forgot about when I told her she could stay at the beach until Tuesday afternoon. oops.

But before we head out I wanted to share some of my Amazon lately!!

Y’all know Amazon is one of my favorite places to shop. 🙂

***Disclaimer; this post contains affiliate links which means if you click on a link and make a purchase I could receive a small commission at no extra cost to you***

Ok, so first up are these super fun light saber chop sticks! Mike lives on shrimp and rice and is always eating with chop sticks so when I saw these I knew he had to have them! Cole gave them to him for Fathers Day and he loves them so much!

We also got Mike these Bluetooth noise canceling headphones. We always have a house full of kids and Mike does a lot of work from home, especially the last few months. I didn’t want to drop a ton of money of the beats or one of the other name brand headphones, so after reading great reviews on these I grabbed them for him to try out. So far he is really loving them, great quality for a great price!

Anyone else really struggle to get enough water in? All I really drink is water and I drink it all day long, but I still don’t think I’m getting quite enough! These water bottles are the best way to make sure you are drinking that water!!

I heard amazing things about this mascara and at only $4.99 I figured I’d try it out!! I LOVE it but I do wish it was water proof. I made the mistake of wearing it to my families waterslide party.

I grabbed a couple packs of these shirt ties for the girls and their softball team. We weren’t able to buy them their normal summer uniforms this season because we just weren’t sure if they were even going to play, so the are all out playing in their fall t-shirts. I figured they might be a little more comfortable if they were able to roll their sleeves a little. Some of the girls are wearing them and loving them and others are just keeping their sleeves down, but I’m so happy they have them as an option.

I grabbed one of these hydro flask dupes for Cole to have at the softball fields. It is super comparable to the hydro flask, keeps his water ice cold throughout the day for a fraction of the cost.

At the beginning of every season I like to put together a little “Mom bag” to have with me while the girls play. Just some of the things I’ve been asked for throughout the years. So from Amazon I grabbed, Band-Aids, tissues, wet wipes, Tylenol, and gum!

For the fourth of July I grabbed these three super cute t-shirts! I love them all but I’d have to say the Willie one is my absolute favorite!

  1. Willie
  2. Merica
  3. If you aint first your last

I got THE BEST no show socks! They do not slip or slide or feel uncomfortable in any way! LOVE them! They happen to be on lightning deal today (July 13) just $12.99 plus an extra 5% clickable coupon!

And last, I ordered this little tackle box/organizer to crate a fun snack box for Cole to bring with us to the ball fields.

I filled this one with quite a bit of treats but the following day I changed it up and had lots of fruit and healthy snacks. It was such a hit at the field. He loved it and I got many requests to make more! Definitely helped to keep him busy and happy during his sisters long softball weekends.

So that wraps it up for now!

Hoping you all have a great start to this new week!
