Good Morning!!!
It is hump day! It is the last day of September. And it is What’s Up Wednesday!! A fun link party hosted by the fabulous Shay and Sheaffer where we write a little bit bout what been up…
I abosolutely love doing these random little posts and I’m super excited about today’s, just because I haven’t done one in several months! π
Ok so we’re starting with
My family, may just be the toughest family to both feed and please every night for dinner.
I am personally a fan of almost EVERYTHING, but have been changing by diet a bit over the last month so I’ve been a little pickier in the macro department.
So I’ve been eating things like egg whites and rice cakes. Actually so so yummy!

I’ve always been living on these Power Crunch bars!! They are by far, the best protein bars I’ve ever tasted!!

My husband doesn’t eat meat. He switched over to a pescatarian diet a few years ago and hasn’t looked back. He eats fish only as his main source of protein and everything else is veggies and carbs.
And then there is my sweet little guy, who is going through the “I only like snacks” phase of life.
So needless to say, what we’ve been eating is all over the dang place.
My oldest doesn’t like beans or avocados loves spicy food, like LOVES, but never even seems to be hungry at dinner time.
My middle child loves beans and avocados, hate spicy food and fish.
Scarlett at Madeitatitlovedit.com has an amazing meal plan though, that you should totally check out. There aren’t really any dietary restrictions so if you are doing low calorie, no carb, GF specifically then its not for you, but if not its totally worth a try! She gives you your meal plan for the week WITH clickable links to walmart grocery, so you can literally just click, add to cart and worry about following the recipe on the day of.
OK, enough of that, next up
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my girls first days of Kindergarten. My son started Kindergarten this year, and we are 100% online at the moment. It has been making me feel so sad lately that this is his first experience.

I’m a roll with the punches kind of a girl. I really am. I don’t let too many things really weigh me done, but lately this has just been heavy for me.
So I’ve been reminicing about when my girls were little and those simple things we took for granted, like dropping our kiddos off at school.
On the positive side though, his teachers are AMAZING, and he really is retaining a lot of information. I know we’ll all be just fine at the end of it all.
I am so loving my new Fall porch guys!!

I had originally envisioned a million pumpkins, lots of mums, corn stalks, Fall leaves. You know, all those Pinterest worthy porches. But my kids are all team Halloween and wanting Halloween out there, so after getting some advice to do a mix of both, I decided to go that route.
Also, how amazing is this target doormat! I love it so much!! And its just $12!

And Y’all, I am so happy with it!! The floating witch hats are my favorite!!
Also, my Amazon slippers are giving me life right now. They are an UGG dupe, so cozy and warm and JUST $13!

It’s just been a lot of online schooling and softball over here lately.
We had a tournament this past weekend that ended up getting rained out, so we went away and spent the weekend just hanging out at the hotel, shopping a little and trying our hand at an escape room.

7 people. 7 totally different personalities. Plus our 5 year old joined. It was interesting, and we did not escape. We honestly didn’t do too bad though.

I’ve been working on getting together a Fall Family picture outfit post to share!
We haven’t gotten family pics done in such a long time! I’m hoping to get one done right when the leaves start shifting colors, so I’ll be working coordinating outfits this week and sharing some ideas with y’all! π
Hayrides, Halloween, Camp Fires….all things FALL. During the Summer months I always claim that the hot weather is my favorite, but then Fall comes around and steals my heart….
I really do love everything about it.
ugh, you guys, I have been so bad about reading this year.
I don’t know what it is, I just haven’t been able to get into a book.
Right now I am reading a book a MIL got me for my birthday that’s called “Dear Edward” I think its going to be a pretty good one, I’ve read a few chapters so far, I just haven’t been able to work my schedule out too good yet to find a reading time that actually works for me.
I’m working on it though, because I really do miss reading..
Honestly, not much. I usually only listen to music when I’m cleaning or working out, but lately when I work out I’ve been using a treadmill running app and I haven’t linked it up to my music. So…yea, pretty boring in this category π
Jeans!! I am wearing Jeans again guys!!! You have no idea how exciting this is for me, because I was one of those people who gained ridiculous weight when the country shut down for COVID.
Honestly, even right before it all hit, I was starting to pack on a few extra LB’s, so my jeans were already getting tight. And then Boom…just like that, they wouldn’t button at all.
I’ve been working really hard lately to change some things up, and I’m so happy to say I am officially down 15 lbs in 4 weeks, My jeans fit, my energy levels are up, and I am finally starting to enjoy getting dressed again.
Also loving this Jack O’Lantern Sweatshirt and this super cute and affordable VANS dupes from Walmart! I sure do love a good deal.

My little guy liked my outfit so much he asked for one of his own! π

We don’t really have big plans for the weekend. The girls have softball practice on Saturday and a scrimmage game on Sunday, so we’ll probably just hang out at the house and tackle our to do lists when we’re not at the softball fields.
Everything! π
Softball, Fall, My beautiful cousin is getting married ( and though I’m super bummed we aren’t flying to Cali like originally planned, I’m excited we still get to join in via ZOOM) Halloween…there are so many great things to look foward to.
Not much. We’re just continually adjusting to our new norm. Working on a few things around the house, and feeling so blessed to be able to get the girls out to play the game we all love.
And thats a wrap!
I’m running super late for online school..ahh
I hope you all have an amazing day and make the absolute most of whatever the day brings!
Love to all!

I’m trying to read Dear Edward but it’s hitting a little close to home since my son is 11 1/2 years old and we normally fly quite a bit. Aaaahhhh.
Author October 8, 2020 / 6:24 am
oh yes, I would be the same way about reading it if I traveled alot. I’ve actually never been on a plane, not because of fear, I’ve had two different occasions where I was supposed to fly somehwere but life happened and changed my circumstances…maybe its fate, who knows. π