Last week I finally set out to complete my Fall/Halloween porch!
Of course in typical Kerri fashion, it couldn’t just be picking up a few pumpkins and some corn stalks. I had to completely transform the look of the porch with paint!!
Ok, well I guess I didn’t completely transform it, but the red door had to go!!
So on our Sunday travels I stopped at Home Depot and picked up some Valspar door and trim paint! I got it shaded to match the Sherwin Williams color Tricorn Black.

Last year I was ready to paint my door shades of blue and red and possibly even coral! But I am so happy that I started out (and will most likely keep) black! I feel like black makes such a bold statement all around.
So, I got to work tapping off the door and throwing on some paint.

We invited all the neighborhood flies in for the day, so that was fun, and then even after all of that I chipped a bit of paint at the top of the door that evening…ugh
But overall, it really didn’t take too long. Longer then I would have hoped I guess, but I’m the kind of girl who wants her vision to come to life in a matter of seconds. I’m such an impatient DIY-er.
Just as I had hoped though, the door alone made all the difference in the world! I was so happy and ready to add this paint to nearly every door in the house. ha definitely glad I thought that through first.

So after the paint was dry I got to work hanging the hats.
I got the cutest hanging witch hats from Amazon, they came complete with the clear string you’ll need to hang them. Then I also grabbed some command hooks to easily hang them from the porch ceiling.

Turns out, it wasn’t quite as easy as I had hoped but we got it done.
Some of the command strips just didn’t feel like sticking around. They would fall off immediately. I guess certain sections of our ceiling just weren’t fond of them.

After working through it though, we ended up hanging just 5 of them, since we didn’t want to go too overboard anyway. I think they looked so perfect!
Then I used these crows that I purchased last year and just hung them around a little corner of the front door.

I searched high and low for the perfect Fall wreath, but nothing was jumping out at me, and honestly I hate spending $40-$50 on a wreath that I’m going to use for 2 months out of the year.
I ended up just using a pumpkin welcome sign that I had also purchased last year.
I was so happy to find barrel planters at The Christmas Tree shops! They were just $20 and they are HUGE!! They will be great to use year round. I don’t have a link to my exact ones but I’ll link up some similar ones I found on Amazon. They aren’t quite as big as mine, but they are still super pretty!

I filled my planters with my mums, and then threw a mix of real pumpkins that my mom was sweet enough to drop by to me and some fake pumpkins that I bought last year.

I have always wanted a porch that is overflowing with pumpkins. I mean from the bottom step all the way to the front door, round ones and flat ones, orange ones and white ones, smooth ones and bumpy ones! No idea what it is about pumpkins but I just love them. But I’m pretty sure the people you see with more then 10 pumpkins on their porch, either grew them themselves or they have unlimited funds because these beauties are not cheap y’all!
But I think my mix of pumpkins worked just fine.
I got my “Hello Gourd-geous” doormat from target and layered it with this black and white aztec runner from Amazon. I just love the layered look! The runners come as a two pack for $27, one is 2×4 and one is 2×3, I used the 2×3 for my porch.

Then I finished it off with some buffalo check pillows, a fun porch sign, fall leaf garland and my trusty witch sidekick that was given to us by a friend of my moms!
They made it several years ago and although she is looking a little run down in her old age, I just can’t bear to part ways with her. She’s my all time favorite Halloween decoration!
And, that’s all she wrote! Here she is in all her beauty..;)

I am obsessed and so happy with my porch this year!
Are you team Fall or team Halloween when it comes to decorating? I’ve always felt team Fall but maybe I am a mix of both after all, because I sure do love the withces hats and crows hanging around my porch these days.
Happy October!! 🙂