Cheers to Hump Day!!
We have made it to the half way point guys!
This week started off tough for me, we started a major home reno last weekened that involved a skim coat and complete sanding of the walls in one of our bedrooms, and I made the very poor decision to not wear a mask while sanding. ( I mean we’re wearing them enough these days already!)
So basically I inhaled tons of dry wall dust and woke up on Monday morning feeling….well, feeling like I inhaled a ton of dry wall dust….not good.
I’d like to tell you I learned my lesson…..

Anywho…today is Wednesday and it’s the last Wednesday of the month so that means its WHAT’S UP WEDNESDAY, which is a fun little link up party hosted by Shay and Sheaffer where we talk a little bit about what is up. I’d LOVE for you all to post a little about what you all have been up to in the comment section below! I just love getting to know everyone! π
- What we’re eating:
I am still LOVING Scarlett’s Meal Plan Program! Head over to her blog Madeitateitlovedit.com to check her out!! She plans out each meal for the week complete with clickable walmart grocery links! It makes my life so so easy, helps me stay on budget and the recipes are soo yummy!!
This week we’re eating Crockpot Rotisserie Chicken with Maple Bacon Brussel Sprouts, Steak Fajitas, Baked Spaghetti, Crock pot Potato Soup, and Chicken Waldorf Salad for dinner. And we’ll be having some homemade overnight cinnamon Rolls for Sunday Breakfast. I am so excited to try these out!!
2. What I’m Reminicing about:

I’ve been reminicing a lot lately about our annual traditional Halloween parade that we attend.
It’s something we’ve been doing for as long as I can remember, last years was rained out and this years has been canceled due to the lack of social distancing it would require.
I’m so bummed we won’t be able to get there again this year. It’s always the best time for our family.
3. What I’m loving:
I am LOVING this $24 Anorak Jacket right now! It’s giving me just the right amount of warmth without making me feel over the top heated. It’s super cute, super comfy and did I mention its just $24!


Also loving this Abercrombie Sherpa , it is AMAZING!! It is so cozy warm and fits pretty oversized, which I love! I actually bought it a size bigger so mine is super oversized. Love cuddling up in these Sherpas on cold days!

And of course these BOOTS! Oh my word they are Fun!

I swear, Walmart blows my mind sometimes.
4: What we’ve been up to:
Last weekend we finished our last Softball tournament of the Fall season. It seemed so so short since one of our tournaments was canceled due to the rain, but I was so happy that our girls were able to break out of the house and play some ball!

5: What I’m dreading:
The rain that’s coming our way. I actually LOVE a good rainy day, but we were trying to plan outdoor family pics this week that I’m pretty sure will be pushed back now.

We’re looking at around 2″ of rain tomorrow! YIKES! Of course my thoughts and prayers will be with Louisiana, as they will be taking a direct hit from Zeta. This will be the 5th time Louisiana takes a direct hit, so scary!
6: What I’ve been working on:
Last weekend we decided to rip up all the carpets upstairs so we can refinish the natural hardwood that’s under it.
When we first moved into the house I was a little sceeved out about keeping the old carpet, but we were also on a very tight budget so we made the decision to have a carpet cleaner come out and just give us a little piece of mind. Which it did for about 3 months, then so many stains started surfacing, which I’m guessing the cleaners pulled up when they were working on it. Who knows how that works. But it just continued to get worse and worse as the months went on.
Of course now we have 4 bedrooms full of furniture and a very busy schedule, so as soon as we had a weekend free I decided it was go time!
Before we sand the floors we decided to skim coat and paint the walls and really give the entire upstairs the huge facelift that it needed. It’s a big project but I’m so excited we’re finally tackling it. π
Can’t wait to share pics!!
7. What I’m excited about:
I’m so excited to see the end result of the project we’re working on! I’m such an impatient person when it comes to home remodels, I just want to see the end result right away! π
8. What I’m watching/Reading:

Did you all catch This is Us last night? What did you think? I loved it as always, but I didn’t think it was AS action packed and exciting as I was hoping it would be.
There were definitely some jaw droppers, and I am still a huge fan, I just felt like I wanted a tiny bit more from it. We’ll see how the rest of the season goes though.
As far as my reading, I have pretty much given it up for the year. I’m just having such a hard time working it into my schedule, but I miss it so much! So hopefully I’ll get back into it soon!
9. What I’m listening to:
My daughters Spotify playlist has been on repeat, since she’s been helping me with the upstairs reno.
We pretty much have the same taste in music, so its fine. Its a great mix of country, pop, R&B and whatever songs are trending on Tik Tok.
Also, the descendants sound track that my son has been jammin out to! #momlife
10. What I’m wearing:
FINALLY I can add some pics to this segmant for you guys.
Growing up my absolute favorite thing in the entire world to do was shop and try on new outfits.
I loved it so much, but it didn’t really happen to often.
Fast forward to the present time where people are literally doing this as their job!! I’ve been following along with so many awesome fashion accounts and learning a little bit about it, and I’m soo excited to say I’m giving it a go myself and I have been having SO MUCH FUN doing it!
This shirt from Amazon is just $19.98, its such a great t-shirt material. Super comfortable, not too thin not too thick, and guys, its got animal print! You can’t go wrong there! It’s available in 16 different colors and its so so good!!

The Old Navy Tunics have become my FAVORITE staple for Fall, and they will easily transition into winter as well. I ordered FIVE of them because I just couldn’t decide on colors! This Yellow one is definitely one of my favorites.

This sweater was part of the Free Assembly try on that I shared here. I LOVE it, I was so unsure of it online. Something about the front pockets, but I love it so much.
Sweater//Sunglasses//Similar jeans//boots

This Poncho is EVERYTHING!! I’m telling you, it will make you feel good guys! It’s so cozy and so stylish, and wait for it….just $17!!! LOVE IT!

This skirt is so good! I accidentally ordered it a size too small but it fit like a glove so I would say maybe size down, but I also think my true size would have worked. I guess just depending on fit. Also, this shirt from Target is such a good one! It’s got a slight balloon kind of sleeve that’s got a mesh design on it. So so good.

If you aren’t already following along, I’d love for you to follow me on IG @leighbroadfield03 or over on Facebook at Leigh Broadfield. I’ll be sharing mostly outfit ideas that are all super affordable and adding in lots of deals and steals from brands that I trust and love. Also just sharing my every day life of being a SAHM to three! π Make sure to say HI if you follow!! I’d love to get to know you all.
11. What I’m doing this wekeend:
We are supposed to have a scrimmage game on Halloween morning but I’m thinking the rain from Thursday and Friday will change those plans. But we will be pumpkin carving, dressing up and trick or treating! Making the best of another strange Holiday during this very strange year.
12. What I’m looking foward to next month:
I am so excited to start getting into the Christmas spirit. And I will very loudly and proudly do that well before Thanksgiving!
I LOVE all things Christmas. The movies. The decorations. The music.
I will of course be super Thankful on Thanksgiving. And I will have a wonderful day with my fam, but there will just be Christmas trees in the background. π
And that’s a wrap for today!! I’m so late getting this posted today, I usually try to have these posts all ready to go first thing in the morning, but this is real life today guys!
We have three kids doing school from home and my husband working from home so we have four devices going, lots of help needed in the Kindergarten department and just not a whole lotta time to get these things done these days.
I hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday!!

I can’t wait to watch This is Us (hopefully tonight!) and I am so excited that fall shows are slowly coming back on! We got lots of rain today; which we really needed as were in a drought- like situation.
Author October 28, 2020 / 5:04 pm
Yes, I really love This is Us, I just feel like every character is so relatable to someone at some point in their journey. So glad you all got that rain you needed! I really love a good rainy day, just don’t always love the timing of it. π Hope you enjoy This is Us tonight!
Those boots… I need those! So cute. I totally feel ya with the drywall dust.. we’ve been remodeling also and feel like I’ve been inhaling dust the last few weeks., not fun!
Author October 28, 2020 / 6:56 pm
They are so good!! π Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ll be breathing it in for another month, and we’re sanding the floors next so…that’ll be fun! haha
Your renos sound like they will be annoying to get through but so worth it in the end! I wish you all the best as you work on them. And my son got about six weeks of baseball in this year and it was so good for him. Yay!
Author November 2, 2020 / 6:35 am
Yes! They have been a pain for sure!! Our house is completely turned upside down and most likely will be for the next 10 days or so! But the end result will definitely be worth it! π Thats so good he was able to get some baseball in, I was so worried they would be canceling the sports all together, I was so happy they were allowing these kids to get out and move their bodies. Such tough times we’re living through. Have a wonderful week!! π