Last minute Christmas Hustle and Bustle

Happy Thursday! Is Christmas really only 5 days away?! My brain is such jello right now. Christmas prep is at its all time high right now and I’m totally killing it…

yup…killing it.

I love love love Christmas time, but when it gets down to these last few days I always tend to become overwhelmed. I do try my best not to, because after all Christmas is supposed to be magical and exciting, not stressful and frustrating.

Which is another reason I like to create our Christmas countdown Calendar that I wrote about here.

More then anything I want my kids to be able to look back one day and know that I did everything I could to be present in their lives. Family time and being together means more to me then any gift in the entire world, and I hope I pass that on to my kids.

So, we stay busy. And its sometimes chaotic. But I wouldn’t change it for the world!

Last Saturday we had out Gingerbread house party!

The girls wanted to make it more of a competition and each pitched in a little money to get a couple prizes from 5 below. Everyone had a blast! And it was soo tough to pick a winner!

We split up kids and adults for prizes. Since we didn’t think it would be fair to judge a kids house vs. an adults house.

There ended up being a tie for the kids and a tie for adults. So we sent 4 lucky winners home with prizes! πŸ™‚

Tuesday we had Cecilia’s winter concert. She plays the clarinet. Its so much fun to see how much the band as a whole has improved over the years. Cecilia started playing in 4th grade. That first concert, though I was so very proud of her, was a bit torturous. Just think 20 9 year olds on wood winds and brass instruments.

But it goes to show you what dedication and practice can do!

This year they sounded great!!

So hard to believe this girl is heading to high school next year! So bittersweet.

My little man had a polar express pajama party at school yesterday. It was super cute. All the kids could come in their jammies and robes and bring their favorite stuffed animal. All the parents brought in goodies and the kids had a sugary feast!

The teachers took side profile pictures of all of the kids and turned them into a shadow form, they had them all numbered and hanging on the wall for the parents to guess who was who. It was super cute!

Here’s my Cole Beany! I was so worries I was going to guess the wrong kid for mine! haha but I got it right. πŸ˜‰

Other then that I’ve just been busy baking. Trying to get back into the swing of it all! I’ve been out of practice for so long so I decided to try out some cute little fondant cupcake toppers!

And last night I whipped up these chocolate cupcakes with chocolate buttercream frosting for the girls teachers, since today is their last day before break starts.

I’m definitely hoping to get back into at the start of the new year! πŸ™‚

So that’s what been going on this past week for us. Now I’m off to finish up the wrapping!

I get so excited for wrapping in the beginning, now I’m at the point where I just want to throw it all in gift bags! haha So exhausting.

Hope you all are having a fantastic week!
