
I remember like it was yesterday, being in the ultrasound room, Mike and I both holding our breaths and hoping for a girl.

We already had two girls at home and we were hoping at the time to add a third.

I loved all things girly and had the perfect name picked out already.

So when the tech told us it was a boy my jaw hit the floor!

Mike was white as a ghost.

We were completely shocked.

We Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

The girls and I at the shower my family and friends threw for me. Such an amazing day. πŸ™‚

The morning he decided he was ready to join the family, I was up for hours having contractions.

The girls had character day at school and I was bound and determined to make sure I could get their costumes on and hair done before we had to head to the hospital.

It was 5am when I finally got up to start pacing since the contractions were getting so intense.

Thats when my water broke and I knew I had to get to the hospital.

I woke Mike and called my mom to come sit with the girls.

When we got to triage there were about 4 couples checking in at the desk, so being the patient and polite person I am I stood in line.

After a couple of minutes a nurse came out to me and asked if I was in active labor, since I was the only one in line doing the baby dance.

She said all the other couples were there for induction and I needed to get my butt into a hospital bed asap to get checked out.

I was 9cm dilated guys!

I’m still shocked that I wasn’t one of those “baby born in the car” stories.

By the time I was in a robe, checked in, and up to delivery I was holiding him in my arms.

No drugs.

No time to think about anything.

We arrived at 6am and he was born by 7am.

February 24, 2015

The little boy we didn’t even know we needed.

He’s changed our lives in more ways then we ever expected.

And today he turns FOUR!

I’m still not sure where those four years went.

Cole was born during flu season, so the girls weren’t able to come to the hospital to meet him. They had a policy that children under 16 couldn’t visit. πŸ™ We really wanted them to be the first to meet him, so we asked that no one visit us in the hospital which was tough but also, if I’m being honest, it was nice having that intimate time with just Mike and I adjusting to a new little guy. When we left the hospital we picked them up from school and they got to come home and meet their baby brother for the first time. It was such an exciting time for all of us.

little baby yawns….ugh my heart <3
and the feeeet….
ugh how I miss him being this little.
Nothing cuter then a baby at the Beach
Or a baby in the bath
Cole and mommy and daddy on his 2nd Birthday.
He rocked his Halloween costume last year

I wasn’t prepared to be a boy mom.

At least I didn’t think I was.

He has taught me something new every day.

His love is so pure.

His laugh is so genuine.

As I sit here and write this, he’s cuddled up next to me.

He just destroyed the Family room with Dinosaurs and puzzles.

He pees all over the toilet.

Throws fits when he doesn’t get his way.

He stubborn as heck about sleeping in his bed.

And hates eating veggies.

But, he’s perfect and everything I never knew I needed.

and today, we celebrate him.

Happy 4th Birthday kiddo!



  1. Mimi Reber February 24, 2019 / 2:17 pm

    Kerri, I cant believe it’s been four years. Wow! So much has happened in that time. I remember all of you coming over after I had foot surgery and you were almost ready then. Remembering when Cecelia was born and Sophia and now looking at your beautiful family, you all are truly blessed. Cole is the cutest little boy ever. We miss you guys but we already talked about coming to see you when we are home next. HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY COLE!!!πŸ€ πŸ€‘πŸ˜‡πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸ―πŸ―

    • Kerri
      February 25, 2019 / 1:22 am

      Aww Mimi, I know! Its so bittersweet looking back now. So crazy how everything seems to be the same day to day and yet so much changes. We definitely miss you both and look forward to your next visit.

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