Let’s Look at the people in Our family!

It’s another Let’s Look Wednesday and I’m super excited about this one!!

On the first Wednesday of every month Shay and Erika host a link up, where we take a look into some of the fun little details of our lives.

So far this year we’ve taken a look into the coziest spots in our home and our favorite reads!

Today we get to take a look into my favorite thing in the entire world…


I come from a very big family.

Four siblings.

Loads and loads of cousins.

Aunts and Uncles.

Three nieces and a Nephew.

If I talked about them all on here we’d be here until the next Let’s Look Wednesday.

So I won’t focus too much time on all of them.

But I do feel so lucky to have such a large family.

We try to get together with the extended family at least once a year, but we sometimes manage to sneak in an extra gathering here or there.

At the end of it all, I feel that family truly is the most important thing you can take with you.

Memories that will last a lifetime.

Unbreakable bonds.

Better then anything money will every buy you.

My mom is without a doubt the strongest, bravest, most encouraging human I’ve ever known.

And I can promise you this is a completely unbias opinion.

She has been dealt more bad hands in her lifetime then anyone deserves.

But she always come out on top, with a smile on her face.

She is so selfless. In a way that I don’t think I could ever live up to.

She would give the clothes off her back and the roof over her head in a heartbeat if she had to.

She has suffered through the loss of both of her parents.

Two siblings.

Her husband. (My dad)

She has been diagnosed with a strong stage 4 cancer that she thought would take her life at the young age of 48.

But she beat the odds and has been alive and kicking for the past twelve years and counting.

She has been there with loved ones through the darkest days of their addiction, seeing them through it and letting them know that they are still loved and never judged.

She has cried.

She has fought.

She has felt defeated.

Everything she buys ends up being broken in the box. That’s the kind of luck she has.

She has returned more things to Home Depot this year then most of us probably will in our lives.

And yet she is one of the luckiest people I know.

But the one trait that I think shines through in her the most, is her positive attitude towards life.

To keep going.

She is a true example of the saying “When the times get tough, the tough get going”

She has built this family, pretty much single handedly.

And I will be eternally grateful that I am lucky enough to be her daughter.

I am the second born.

I have one older sister; Lisa. one younger sister; Kelly. And two obnoxious πŸ˜‰ little brothers; David and Josh.

Our life growing up, was anything but boring. I can assure you.

Growing up I had so many moments where I thought I absolutely HATED having so many siblings.

Everyone I knew had only one, maybe two.

They lived in a home where they had their own rooms.

They didn’t look like they were on a field trip when they went to the grocery stores.

I always thought they were so lucky.

But it turns out I’m the luck one. πŸ™‚

Then I met Mike.

And we started our own family.

Which the siblings and my mom are still very much a part of.

Life for us, has been anything but easy.

But I’d say we are doing a pretty good job of coming out on top ourselves.

Our oldest, Cecilia, is going to be 14 this year!

She was just accepted into an amazing High School.

She participated in every after school activity imaginable.

And is one of the most easy going teenagers I think there is as far as attitude goes.

And then theres my Soph.

Our second born.

She just turned twelve!

Another year and we’ll have two teenager girls in our home, (please pray for me πŸ˜‰ )

Sophia has the BEST personality.

Outgoing, happy, funny, quick witted.

She’s super smart and eager to get to 7th grade where they offer more opportunities for her to grow as a leader in her school.

She has kept us on our toes since the day she came into this world, and I know she will do big things in her lifetime.

And the third little love of our life is Cole.

It is true what they say, by the third half the rules are out the window.

He rolls with the punches as we drag him around from softball game to band concert to school pick up and more.

But he is his sisters’ biggest fan and they are his.

He truly did complete our family four years ago when he came into our world.

More then many.

Less then most.

But blessed with a life and a FAMILY that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

So there you have it folks,

A little look into my perfectly imperfect family.
