Tuesday Talks: Sports mom Life

Happy Tuesday!

I’m so excited for another Tuesday Talks Link up hosted by Ashley and Erika.

Its a fun little link up where we can talk about anything and everything πŸ™‚

In January I talked about New Years GOALS and why I hate the term Resolution.

In March I talked about the Meal replacement shakes I use and LOVE.

And today, I’m talking Sports mom (or dad) life!

Any other sports parents out there?! My girls sport of choice is softball.

I LOVE being a Softball mom.

The Girls all ready for their first School game!

Sitting on the sidelines, cheering for my girls as they do what they love makes me the happiest mom in the world.

I could sit there for hours on end watching game after game.

BUT life is hard when softball starts.

The schedule is jam packed. The Fridge and my wallet can often time seem empty.

And we are ALWAYS on the go.

It can be pretty exhausting.

I’ve learned so many things over the past few years though that have really helped me stay as organized as possible for those softball Days!

  1. ALWAYS have a blanket laying in the back of your car. The weather in the beginning of the season is so wishy washy. Its freezing cold and windy one day and Sunny and 75 the next. I like to always have a spare blanket in the car just in case.
  2. Prepare meals ahead of time. At the beginning of January I printed out all of our bank statements from 2018 and highlighted all of our stops for a sandwich, meal or snack. Sometimes it just seems so much easier to run in and grab food on the go. We didn’t have to grocery shop and pack and prepare, I though life was good. Until I realized I could have taken my whole family on at least two kick ass Vacations with the money I could have saved had I not been so “lazy.” It really is so Easy to prepare everything ahead of time. We always have sausage egg and cheese biscuits or bagels in the freezer for those early weekend practices or games. Peanut butter and jellies are also an easy one to have ready and frozen. Or just getting something in the crockpot early in the morning that you can throw into some to go containers for the evening games. We also sometimes splurge a little on having prepackaged snacks readily available during this season, because even that is cheaper then wawa or concession stands! Cut all your fruits and veggies as soon as you get home from the store and put them in individual containers for an easy out the door and on the go snack! You can also check out these yummy Homemade Poke Bowls I made for my girls to have for in between school ball and rec league. Eating Real food during Sports Seasons doesn’t have to be hard!
  3. Do your players have younger siblings? Have a “Busy Bag” in your car and ready to go. And switch it out often so they never get board. My son loves having his action figured and cars to play with while we’re watching the game. Sometimes we’ll even have pieces of his track for him to set up on the sidelines. It all depends on the space you are working with. If you are watching an indoor sport in a crowded gym I would suggest coloring books/workbooks, action figures, or as a last resort a tablet of some sort.
  4. Be the mom who has it all! Have a bag that you can keep in your car so you don’t forget it. Fill it with a first aid kit ( plenty of ice packs) , tissues, plenty of Sunscreen, Bug Spray, Hand Sanitizer, toilet paper, paper towels, Advil, Wet Wipes, Clorox Wipes, plastic silverware, Shout on the go wipes, scissors, Tampons/pads. And do an inventory check at the beginning of each season to make sure you don’t need to replace anything.
  5. This one might sound strange, but keeping an extra pair of pants in your car isn’t a bad idea either. My oldest split her pants right down the back a few years ago in the middle of a tournament. We didn’t have any spare pants on hand so she had to very self consciously play the remainder of the game and I could tell it really messed with her performance on the field.

These are just some things that have really helped me get through some of the chaos of constantly being on the go! Its so much better to be overly prepared then it is to be under prepared.

My Sophia pitching for her school team! πŸ™‚
When they aren’t playing they love to watch!

I hope you all enjoy your Tuesday! And if you’re a sport mom like me, Happy Spectating!! πŸ™‚

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