What’s Up Wednesday

On the last Wednesday of every month Sheaffer and Shay host a What’s Up?! link up.

I just love linking up with some of my favorite bloggers to share a little bit of this and a little bit of that with all of you. 🙂

The random posts like these are my absolute favorite posts to read!

ONE: What we’re eating

This one is by far my favorite because I’m a big time foodie!

I’ve been writing up a round up of weekly recipes for my Meal Plan Monday’s and have been doing pretty good at sticking to the schedule and have loved making and trying new meals.

With the exception of birthdays we haven’t eaten out much at all so far this year.

Which for us, if huge.

Mike and I both enjoy to cook but our hectic and busy lives sometimes make it difficult.

Scheduling all my meals and looking for recipes that are easier to whip together has been life changing!

My sister thinks we are strange, but we love white deli American cheese on our runny eggs. I’m not sure why we ever even tried that, but it is soo yummy! I mean if you’re anything like me, cheese on anything is good, but cheese are runny eggs, with sausage and homemade breakfast potatoes….yummm. try it. I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed.
For Sophia’s birthday we went to California Pizza Kitchen. We love their Chicken Casear salads and Mexican Street Corn!
Then after dinner, we popped over to lolli and Pops and grabbed a few of these gourmet rice krispie treats to have her birthday “cake”.
Mike used to make black bean burgers all the time. Lately though he’s been sticking to fish and shrimp. The other day I was just really craving a black bean burger so I whipped a few up with some sweet potato fries and spicy mayo. SO good!
This Creamy Angel hair pasta was part of my meal plan Monday post here, it was everything I hoped it would be and more.
yes, more carbs. But that bruchetta!! Oh my goodness it was so yummy!
My mom made these yummy little shrimp and Arugula bites for Coles birthday party the other day.

TWO: What I’m reminiscing about

Cole turned Four on Sunday, so I spent some time reminiscing about the day he was born and that first year with the sweet little boy who completed our family.

I wrote a post about it here.

It was one of the three very best days of my life.

THREE: What I’m Loving

This man <3 So blessed to have him in my life.

FOUR: What we’ve been up to

This month was a pretty laid back month for us. January and February always seem to be our down time.

Other then our quick trip to the Poconos in January and Sophia and Coles Birthdays, these last two months have been pretty low key.

Other then travel ball practice, BPA, Student Council, Doctors Appointments, NJHS, Cooking Club, work, Birthday party planning….etc.

ha, low key and laid back…

FIVE: What I’m dreading

Honestly there isn’t much I’m dreading these days. Other then paying bills of course.

Life is good.

The family is all healthy.

There’s not much more I could hope for right now.

SIX: What I’m working on

Our house is a constant work in progress.

I’m going through each room and trying to envision what I want done.

Big projects probably wont start until September since we’ll be deep into softball from March-July.

But I think we’re always working on making it feel a little more like home.

SEVEN: What I’m excited about

My niece started staying with me for daycare last week and I’m so excited about that!

I truly missed having her around.

I’m so excited to start impletmenting a little more lesson plan into the day again and taking trips.

I just love being a part of the growth and development of these little people of our future.


She’s pretty cute.

EIGHT: What I’m watching/reading

This month I have gotten way ahead of my reading goal. For the first three weeks of the months I didn’t put a book down!

You can check out what I read in January here.

I’m currently hoping to finish up “Big Sexy Love” to add that to my next book review, but it might end up going into March.

I got a little distracked with reading when I started “The Handmaids Tale”

At first I was very turned off by the show, but I ended up sticking it out and I think that although the storyline is very disturbing, the acting is brilliant.

NINE: What I’m listeing to

I downloaded a a 2015 hits playlist on my Spotify app to take me back to the year little man was born. So I’ve been hooked on that lately.

I also keep going back and forth, listening to Rachel Hollis Audio Book “Girl wash your face” but for some reason I’m having a hard time getting through it.

Maybe I’m just not an audio book kind of girl.

Her message really is inspiring to me, I just don’t think I love hearing someone else read it to me.

TEN: What I’m wearing

Lots and Lots of Layers!

Its Cold Guys!! 😉

I’m living in this and lots of hats, scarves and gloves right now. I am really not a fan of the cold.

ELEVEN: What I’m doing this weekend

My brother and sister in law own a semi pro wrestling company here in Delaware so that’s where we will be heading on Saturday!

The girls have always loved it, but Cole just recently got into it and its so cute!

Its a little loud for him so he wears these giant Headphones, like the ones you would wear at the NASCAR race tracks.

Then he walks around at the end getting autographs from all of the wrestles.

TWELVE: What I’m looking forward to next month

SPRING? I mean the groundhog did say it would come early right?!

THIRTEEN: What else is new

Life has stayed pretty neutral for us lately!

Jusy busy running the kids around, here there and everywhere.

Yesterday I’m pretty sure I got in and out of the car Fourteen times.

The neighbors are probably wondering what in the heck I’m doing.

I wouldn’t change any of it for the world thoigh.

Last weekend we did hit the iceskating rink.

Thank God for those little blue walker things and the fact that I have a Four year old excuse to use one..;)

I am not an ice skater at all.

But we all had such a blast! I’m so happy we were able to make the trip.

FOURTEEN: What’s our Favorite Board Game

We LOVE playing a good board game with the family.

Its the perfect, low key family night.

Snacks. Games. Laughter. Memories.

The perfect Friday night.

Our favorite Board game at the moment is called Suspicion.

I though it would be pretty similar to CLUE which is another favorite, but its pretty different.

Definitely check it out!

And a few other honorable mentions, because there are just so many fun ones that we love.

  1. Sushi Go!

2. Forbidden Island


3. Wits and Wagers

Life is good.

I have more then some but less then others.

I’m living life one day at a time.

On my terms.

With my people.

Everyone grows and lives at a different pace and I’m so happy I’ve finally come to realize that.

Spending your life chasing what others are chasing just to keep up with the Jones’ is not a happy life to live.

Follow YOUR heart.

Chase YOUR dreams.

Live the life YOU want to live with the oppurtunities YOU have been given.

And don’t let anyone get in your way.

Happy Wednesday!!

I hope you all are having the most amazing week <3
