Friday Favorites #4

I missed last weeks Friday Favorites since I was too busy enjoying my families first official “Christmas Vacation”

My mom bought us all tickets and rooms for the Camelback Mountain Poconos Resort. My absolulte favorite part of the trip was that all the cousins were able to get some bonding time in.

The kids ran around like they owned the resort and had the best time ever! And snow tubing was a blast. I am so happy we were able to get that vacation in before getting back into the swing of the New Year. You can read a little more about it here.

So this weeks Friday Favorites should be a good one. I’m going to include some of my favorite “Winter Weather Necessities” that really came in handy last week when we were in the Poconos, along with a few of my must haves that helped me get through the first official week of 2019!


These hand warmers are LIFE when its freezing cold outside. Luckily for us, it actually didn’t get below 30 degrees so it wasn’t unbearable, but these handwarmers still helped immensely. Especially for the littlest ones.


My North Face Gloves. These are THE WARMEST gloves I have ever owned. I was hesitant to spend so much on a pair of gloves so I actually asked for them as a Christmas gift about 4 years ago.

I still wear them almost every single day when its cold out and they have held up so nicely. Sometimes you just get what you pay for.

Over the years I would have spend $5 a hundred times over on cheap gloves that would just end up with holes in them after a couple of uses.

Definitely worth the splurge if you ask me!


Boys Long underwear. The girls and Mike and I are all really good with layering up. We’ve got stretch pants and long sleeves galore to go under our snow suits.

I was super worried about Cole getting too cold. It was my first time out snow tubing with a three year old, so I wanted to make sure he was nice and bundled up and as warm as possible so we didn’t have to leave early with a cold, wet and very unhappy toddler.

These long underwear did the trick!


Ski socks. I had never been snow tubing before and hadn’t really been following the weather in the area we were visiting, so wasn’t really sure what to expect as far as how much snow was on the ground.

So I wanted to be better safe then sorry when it came to wet feet in snow boots!

Everyone got a pair of these ski socks in their stockings.

There ended up only being man made snow there, so we didn’t really have to worry to much about snow getting into our boots, BUT the socks kept everyone’s feet so warm!

I don’t know about you, but cold feet are just about one of the worst feelings when you are out playing in the snow.


I bought Cole a pair of these mittens. Again just not sure about the temps and snow with a three year old, I wanted to make sure he was as warm and dry as possible

I was a little worried that he wouldn’t like having mittens instead of gloves, but the reviews I read were good and I felt like they just looked so warm.

So I went for it and he kept them on, no complaints the entire day.

And he didn’t have any problems gripping anything with them on.


Now onto some of the things that have really gotten me through these past 11 days of the New Year.

Helping me to really stick to my diet and exercise goals, I’ve been relying on the Fitbook to track all of my food and workouts.

It really has been so helpful.

I’ve always wanted to track my food in a food journal. Even when I’m not erally sticking to my plan, It just helps to put it all in perspective. To see exactly how much or how little you are eating.

There is a section to meal plan for the week, and then individual pages for each day where you can track everything you actually consumed.

Keep track of your water intake too!

I also love that its compact and small enough to just throw in your purse on the way out the door. That way you can have it with you at all times so you never forget to track anything.

Even if you don’t buy the actual fitbook I would definitely recommend logging this information somewhere. It has really helped me stay focused and feel good.


My Day Designer Planner that I bought myself with some of my Amazon Gift card!

I just love a good planner!

I shared my daughters favorite planner here.

This Planner is perfect for writing down goals for the week and keeping track of your daily schedule.

I am a firm believer that schedules are EVERYTHING. Although sometimes life gets in the way, if you try your absolute best to stick to a schedule it will help immensely with the day to day stresses of life.

And GUYS its just soo pretty! I am loving the floral trend lately. It comes in Navy or White. I got the white one but the navy is super cute too!

I also love that this planner shares inspirational quotes on each weeks page. It helps me start the week with a positive and happy mindset.

This weeks quote reads :

“The fruit that can fall without shaking, Indeed is too mellow for me” -Lady Mary Wortley Montagu


Another one of my New Year goals is to read more! Its only day 11 and I’m already through two books with book number three scheduled to arrive today!

If you ever need a good book reccomedation check out Shay over at Mix and Match Mama. She’s been posting monthly book reviews since 2015. She’s got soo many good ones on there!

I can’t remember if ai found this one there or not, but it was a goodie!

It End with Us, is a love story, which I was a little hesitant to read at first.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good love story, but sometimes they can just be a little too much for me.

Without giving too much away, It ends with us tells the story of a girl named Lily Bloom. It shifts back and forth between a new man in her life and the memories of her first love and the unbreakable bond that the two of them shared. Life for Lily is looking great and she’s so happy with the paths shes taking in life, until the first love suddenly reappears. There are so many twists and turns that you’ll never see coming. And I truly felt for every character in the book. Its a must read for sure!


In true foodie Fashion I’ll leave you with my favorite food of the week!

I shared the link here in my Meal Plan Monday post.

These homemade vegetarian Egg Rolls were AMAZING!!

I have to be completely honest with you all though, we fried them. I was planning on baking them all week long. But I dont’ know, sometimes I just feel like some things are meant to be fried. And egg rolls are just one of those things! You could totally do either though.

They were super easy to make. I actually put Sophia, my 11 year old in charge of them. She handled the entire recipe from start to finish.

And I’ll give you another somewhat embarrassing truth…We made 18 full size Egg rolls….

And managed to have one left for leftover night.

ugh….they were just so good! I’m pretty sure Mike ate 7 of them!

Not even kidding.

They will definitely be on repeat on my Meal Plan Mondays this year!

So that’s it for this week!! I’m heading off to pick up my boy from Preschool! Those 3 hours go by much too fast! I did manage to finish up this post and do the grocery shopping in that time, so I’d call it a win for the day.

I hope you all have an amazing Friday and relaxing weekend.

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  1. Sharilee January 17, 2019 / 8:42 pm

    I totally agree with you about buying gloves. I finally broke down and bought some good gloves from Lands End and it was totally worth it. They keep me so warm and fit so good. Thanks for the tips.

    • Kerri
      January 17, 2019 / 8:44 pm

      Yes! They seriously make allll the difference!

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