January Book Review

I’m off to a pretty great start on one of my New Year goals of reading more.

I just finished reading my 4th book of the New Year yesterday, and I read it in record time!

While I’m still hoping to fit one last book in this month, I wanted to give a few reviews of the 4 that I have read so far.

I’m hoping to keep these reviews going each month.

Book #1:

“My Story” by Elizabeth Smart.

Elizatbeth Smart was kidnapped from her own bedroom in the middle of the night on June 5th 2002. She was just 14 years old. Awoken from a sound sleep to a strangers face and a knife held to her. The stranger, threatening to kill her and her entire family if she made even the slightest sound or refused to follow his orders.

He forced her into the closet of her bedroom to put on proper shoes for the brutal hike up the mountains she was about to endure.

With a knife to her back the entire time and the fear of this man causing harm to her family, she continued to trek up the mountain and listen to his every word. Afraid to run, afraid to plea with him. She just continued to do everything he told her to do.

When they finally arrived at the destination, they were greeted by a woman. Who Elizabeth would soon learn was her kidnappers wife.

Brian David Mitchell and his wife Wanda Barzee would hold her captive for the next 9 months.

Her book “My story” takes you through her darkest days.

How she got through them. How she finally escaped their abuse and returned home to her family. And the conversation her mother had with her on the day of her return, that truly helped her to move forward and become the amazing woman she is today.

I would highly recommend this book. I think it is such a great testament to never giving up, always looking forward, and never allowing lifes darkest days to ruin you for good.

Book #2:

“It Ends with Us” by Colleen Hoover was another great read for me.

I did question her reasoning behind a few things. Like why she decided to have the main Character Lily write her journal entries in letter form addressed to Ellen DeGeneres.

I thought it to be a little strange.

After reading a bit more into the book, I did see why she was doing it, but still thought it was a little odd and unnecessary.

Other then that though, I did think it was a great story.

Very well written with a great message behind it.

“It Ends with Us” is the story of a girl who meets a falls for a new man while still holding on to feelings for a man who was in her life long ago. Someone who holds a special place in her heart for many reasons.

The book goes back and forth between her new relationship and journal entries written about her past relationship and the days they spent together.

Then, out of the blue, the guy from the past shows up and things start to get a little complicated on both ends.

Some parts for me seemed a little predictable but there were also so many moments where I couldn’t wait to turn the page to see what happened next.

I would definitely recommend it.

But a little disclaimer

:: It is very much a rated R read in a few chapters.::

Book #3:

“Bread and Wine” by Shauna Niequist I would have to say was my favorite book this month.

Which I wasn’t really expecting.

I heard great reviews on the book, so I decided to give it a try.

It was nothing like what I expected it to be.

But it was perfect.

Her writing skills are on point!

The words she uses and the way she uses them, just made her seem so eloquent yet still so down to earth and normal at the same time.

I LOVED everything about it. And was especially surprised and happy about the recipes she adds at the end of almost every chapter.

“Bread and Wine” is basically just a memoir of her life spenty sharing meals around the table with friends and family she holds dear.

I feel like her stories were so relatable.

We’re all so different. The way we look, the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, the sizes of our houses, the cars we drive, and just our daily life experiences.

But at the end of it all, we’re all so much the same.

I think we can all get down with delicious food (whatever your favorites may be) and the love and laughter of the people we surround ourselves with.

I promise you will not be disappointed in this book!

Book #4:

“My Sisters Grave” by Robert Dugoni.

Guys, I will first start by saying, this book set a record for me.

I started this book on Sunday afternoon and finished it by Monday evening.

I really don’t want to give ANYTHING away in this book! It was just so so good. I could NOT put it down.

Every chapter, every page just left me wanting more.

You will be on the edge of your seat up to the very end.

The story is about a murder that happened back in 1993.

Though they never found the body, there was a conviction.

But the victims sister wasn’t buying it.

She felt like something wasn’t right. Like there wasn’t a fair trial and that the man charged was set up.

Though she was so young, no one really gave her the time of day.

She went on to become a homicide detective in Seattle.

And 20 years later she finds herself still wondering and curious about what really happened on that fateful night in August.

It was a thriller for sure guys! I would definitely recommend this one as well.

I’d say I picked some pretty good books to start off the New Year.

Please drop any book recommendations you have below in the comment section!

I would love to add to my ever growing list! 🙂

You can also follow me on Goodreads!

Hope you are all having a fabulous Tuesday!
