Tuesday Talk

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

I’m super excited to be linking up with Ashley and Erika today for my very first Tuesday Talks!

I just love finding these link ups and feeling like I can connect with so many down to earth moms and like minded women around the web.

I’m moving super slow on this Tuesday morning.

I’m lacking sleep and just not feeling like myself at all this morning.

So much so that I’m acutally letting my little preschooler play hookie. ::judgement free zone people 😉 ::

After dropping my girls off at school this morning I just needed to come in a plop down on the couch for some of that much needed cuddle time with my boy.

My boy

Then he asked me to play basketball and action figures, and next thing you know it was time to get to school and we just weren’t ready.

Its cold out guys!

And this momma just wanted to stay inside in her pj’s playing with her kiddo.

ok. Now that I got that off my chest…

I figured since we’re officially 2 weeks into the New Year I’d talk about the dreaded New Year Resolutions!!

I have to say. I’m not a fan of the term.

I do love a fresh start.

A new Year.

A New Beginning.

But I think that we should have “goals” every day.

And I think we should work hard towards those goals




And I think that sometimes calling them New Year Resolutions can just automatically put you into that statistic of failed Resolution-ers.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a very crowded spin class on New Years day or the first week or so, and the instructor acutally says “don’t worry, 1/2 of you won’t be here by the end of the month”

At first I kind of felt like that was a super offensive comment,


Its true.

Too many of us swear that this year will be the year that we lose that weight, or quit that bad habit.

It will be the year that EVERYTHING changes.

We spend the last month of the year getting as much of it in as we can since we know we’re about to give it up.

We are setting ourselves up to fail guys.

I’ve done it.

I’ve made the “resolution” just because it was the fad thing to do.

And it has never worked.

But when I finally started shifting gears and realizing that I need to set goals and work towards them.

Everything changed.

It sound so minor but it really is all about the mind set.

Last year I set goals.

I saved money, paid down debts, took chances, made changes. And not just on New Years day. Or for the month of January.

Every month.

Every Day.

Some I was more disciplined then others.

But I never lost sight of where I wanted to be.

So this year, my goals are actually quite the same as last year.

And that is just to keep going.

Take it one day at a time.

Make changes to find more of that financial freedom that I want.

Play more with my little one and talk more with my girls.

Reach out to friends more.

Try something new that terrifies me. :: Maybe::

Make healthier food choices BUT don’t think about it too much.

I don’t want to walk around a party saying “oh I can’t have that I’m on a diet”

If there is chocolate cake and I want to eat it I will. But I need to listen to my body.

Do I feel full?

Do I really “want” it and will I feel satisfied after I indulge, or is just temptation that I’m giving into.

But I never want to make myself feel like I absolutely can’t have it. Because then, if I do break and have it I will feel like I failed.

And that’s how you end up as a New Years Resolution Statistic my friends.

Anyway, there you have it, a little bit of random goal talk on this Tuesday morning…

Keep going.

Keep looking forward.

And make sure you are living for YOU and no one else.
